Dear scientist,
Now I can successfully run clm5.0 at regional scale and 0.05° spatial resolution. However, it costs lots of time to run. I want it faster but don't konw how to set.
The situtaion of my server is as follows:
Logical CPU Number: 24
Physical CPU Number: 2
CPU Core Number: 6
I have installed mpich 3.3.1 and make sure it can work . I have installed pnetcdf but don't know how to use it . I didn't use batch system. Meanwhile, I have changed some configuration in config_machines.xml as follows:
<mpirun mpilib="default">
<arg name="ntasks"> -np {{ total_tasks }} </arg>
and changed some configuration in config_compilers.xml as follows:
However, when I execute ./case.submit ,it always shows:
mpirun -np 1 /home/shenhf/majun/clm5.0/output/80x60_SP_spinup/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1
when I use mpirun -np 6 /home/shenhf/majun/clm5.0/output/80x60_SP_spinup/bld/cesm.exe it shows:
ERROR: (cime_cpl_init) :: namelist read returns an end of file or end of record condition
#0 0xa3a7f9 in ???
#1 0xa3a9c6 in ???
#2 0x428af4 in ???
#3 0x42b194 in ???
#4 0x31fe61ed5c in ???
#5 0x4104e8 in ???
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1001) - process 0
So how to set to enhance the efficiency of run? Any suggestion or help is highly appreciated.
Now I can successfully run clm5.0 at regional scale and 0.05° spatial resolution. However, it costs lots of time to run. I want it faster but don't konw how to set.
The situtaion of my server is as follows:
Logical CPU Number: 24
Physical CPU Number: 2
CPU Core Number: 6
I have installed mpich 3.3.1 and make sure it can work . I have installed pnetcdf but don't know how to use it . I didn't use batch system. Meanwhile, I have changed some configuration in config_machines.xml as follows:
<mpirun mpilib="default">
<arg name="ntasks"> -np {{ total_tasks }} </arg>
and changed some configuration in config_compilers.xml as follows:
However, when I execute ./case.submit ,it always shows:
mpirun -np 1 /home/shenhf/majun/clm5.0/output/80x60_SP_spinup/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1
when I use mpirun -np 6 /home/shenhf/majun/clm5.0/output/80x60_SP_spinup/bld/cesm.exe it shows:
ERROR: (cime_cpl_init) :: namelist read returns an end of file or end of record condition
#0 0xa3a7f9 in ???
#1 0xa3a9c6 in ???
#2 0x428af4 in ???
#3 0x42b194 in ???
#4 0x31fe61ed5c in ???
#5 0x4104e8 in ???
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1001) - process 0
So how to set to enhance the efficiency of run? Any suggestion or help is highly appreciated.