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IAGE restart problems with non-standard initialization


Restart error:  (iage_mod:iage_init) no restart file to read iage from  The non-standard initialization of TEMP & SALT is not compatible with CESM's restart script mechanisms. Despite CONTINUE_RUN being TRUE in env_run.xml, the model tries to initialize TEMP & SALT with the same IC as was used in the first submission. On restart, the IAGE initialization tries to read from the same file that TEMP & SALT are being read from, but IAGE is not in that file. This leads to the problem that you are seeing.The iage error appears to be a symptom of using 'internal' or 'mean' for init_ts_option on restarts.
The default for init_ts_option is 'ccsm_$runtype'. This gets evaluated to 'ccsm_continue' on a restart. But if init_ts_option = 'internal' or init_ts_option = 'mean', pop2 tries to continue using 'internal' or 'mean' for every submission (i.e., restart) instead of the POP2 restart files. On restart, the iage module  complains that it can't find a restart file because the model hasn't read the rpointer file, because the physics is still using internal. Solution/Workaround:  manually set init_ts_option to 'ccsm_continue' in user_nl_pop2 for continuation runs.


Michael Levy
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Nan,Setting init_ts_option in user_nl_pop2 will override any setting based on RUNTYPE or CONTINUE_RUN in env_run.xml... this is known to cause problems when using the RESUBMIT option in env_run.xml (see bug 1861 in bugzilla). If you remove the init_ts_option line from user_nl_pop2 and set CONTINUE_RUN=TRUE in env_run.xml, init_ts_option should be set correctly. For now the best workaround would be to run the initial 'mean' or 'internal' run with RESUBMIT=0 and then make the above changes before setting RESUBMIT to a non-zero number.~Mike