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Inconsistency between the number of land use types in the available data and the number of land use types in the CLM



We have focused on the output of the GCAM model under future scenarios, but the land use types output in GCAM are mostly aggregated. For example, in CLM vegetation is classified into a total of 16 categories, but in the GCAM outputforest is only distinguished into 5 categories(AR6 database). Forests in AR6 are divided into Harvested Areas,Natural Forest,managed forest, Afforestation and reforestation.

I understand that different parameter settings exist for different vegetation types in the CLM, e.g. albedo, phenological period. What do I need to do to change those aggregated data to standard input data in CLM?



Peter Lawrence
New Member

For the future CMIP6 scenarios used by CESM and CLM5 the land use from each IAM was translated and harmonized into the CMIP6 LUH2 data format from the native products:

To use this data in CESM the LUH2 is translated into annual time series of CLM5 plant and crop functional types along with fertilizer, irrigation and wood harvest. Details of the process of going from CMIP6 LUH2 data to CLM5 surface data are detailed in the CLM5 Land Data Technote which can be found at:

Other researchers have been working on methods to directly generate CLM5 land use data from GCAM. One particular project is at the DOE Pacific Northwest National Labs through the Integrated Multisector Multiscale Modeling project.

I would suggest following up on this method as it would be the easiest option as you would not need to generate the LUH2 data prior to generating CLM5 data.

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Thanks,Peter! I'm also currently trying to downscale with the Demeter tool. But the problem still exists, the land use type categories output by GCAM do not contain the land use type categories in CLM.

I would like to know how this type of problem is handled in CLM? How do you convert to LUH2 standard files? I don't seem to see weights assigned
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