New Member
I am trying to create a new case with the machine generic_linux_intel, but every time I type in:
%% ./create_newcase -case general -mach generic_linux_intel -compset A -res f10_f10 -scratchroot ccsm4_working_copy/CASEROOT -din_loc_root_csmdata /Will/ccsm4_working_copy/input_data -max_tasks_per_node 6 -pes_per_node 6
the system ignores my input data directory and gives the output:
%% Cannot find din_loc_root_csmdata directory Will/ccsm4_working_copy/input_data at ./create_newcase line 206.
I noticed a similar error when I tried to run standalone CAM earlier on. When issuing the build-namelist command I would get the error:
%% build-namelist - CCSM inputdata root is not a directory: "Will/ccsm4_working_copy/input_data"
Please help me to understand what is wrong with my system.
Thank You
%% ./create_newcase -case general -mach generic_linux_intel -compset A -res f10_f10 -scratchroot ccsm4_working_copy/CASEROOT -din_loc_root_csmdata /Will/ccsm4_working_copy/input_data -max_tasks_per_node 6 -pes_per_node 6
the system ignores my input data directory and gives the output:
%% Cannot find din_loc_root_csmdata directory Will/ccsm4_working_copy/input_data at ./create_newcase line 206.
I noticed a similar error when I tried to run standalone CAM earlier on. When issuing the build-namelist command I would get the error:
%% build-namelist - CCSM inputdata root is not a directory: "Will/ccsm4_working_copy/input_data"
Please help me to understand what is wrong with my system.
Thank You