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Is BGC-CROP the default setup for SSP simulations?


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am very new to CESM and CLM so this might be obvious for others but I could not find a direct answer online.
Later on I would like to use the BGC-CROP mode alongside SSP245 input data in a fully-coupled set-up. To get more familiar with CESM2.1.2, I ran some test simulations specifying COMP=BSSP245cmip6 (and nothing further regarding the BGC-CROP mode) then the long compset name that is printed out is SSP245_CAM60_CLM50%BGC-CROP-CMIP6DECK_CICE%CMIP6_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD.

Now I am wondering if the BGC-CROP mode is the default mode when running future SSP (and maybe also historical hist) simulations or (and if so how) I should always additionally specify that I want to use the BGC-CROP mode.

Thanks a lot for your help


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
You can check whether BGC-Crop is on without setting up a simulation by using the ./query_config tool in cime/scripts:

./query_config --compsets

This will list the compset alias' and the compset longnames that are available in that version of the model.


New Member
Perfect, thanks a lot I did not know about this command.

This command shows for instance:

I would have two follow-up questions:
1. Does this mean that at least in this version of the model, the BGC-CROP mode is always on default used when using the SSP forcing?
2. Since none of the BSSP longnames include SP mode for CLM. Would that mean that I am not able to run the SP mode with an SSP forcing in this version of the model?



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
1. I haven't checked every SSP compset myself but I believe so.
2. You can run SP mode by specifying the compset longname in your create_case command, e.g,
