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Is the aerosol in CAM affected by land?


Song Jiang
New Member

I am new in CAM. I would like to ask whether the land use change can affect aerosol simulated by CAM. I am using CESM2.1.5 (with CAM6) and FHIST compset. I am running a simulation with land use changes. What I have known is that there is no aerosol emissions from CLM.

According to the "Description of CAM5", I learned that the anthropogenic aerosol emissions are taken from the IPCC AR5 emission data set. Since there is modal aerosol model serving in CAM5, I think the aerosol in different years should not be purely prescribed. However, I am not sure whether CAM takes into account any influence from land, either directly or indirectly.

Please feel free to correct me if I understand anything incorrectly. I would appreciate it if anyone could share some knowledge about this.
