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Is there any interactions between landunits with in a gridcell?

Yuan Sun

Yuan Sun
Hi all,

When I conducted a control run and an experiment run in a land-only component set, the only change was urban parameters.

However, rural outputs like TSA_R and TG_R are different in the two runs. For example, the global-mean TG_R is similar in two runs, but in some grids, the difference of TG_R between two runs reaches 2 °C.

I am not sure if the changes in rural variables should be attributed to model internal variability or urban-induced. This also influenced when I assessed changes in UHI as I could not distinguish whether the UHI changes come from urban factors or not. I could survive using global-mean value ignoring some abnormal grids.

Thanks for any comments.



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
That is surprising. There shouldn't be any interaction between the urban and rural landunits in a land-only simulation. Although I haven't checked that behavior in recent versions of the model. I guess I would check for any differences in forcing, your model configuration (e.g., the lnd_in), etc

Yuan Sun

Yuan Sun
Hi, sorry for my previous confusing information. I ran land-only simulations with the same initialization so the changes are not internal variability, but from PE layouts. Thanks, Keith.