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Kind request for the new version of pftcft raw data

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I would like to generate surfdata and landuse timeseries files for the period 1850-2015 using mksurfdata_esmf tool from ctsm5.2.mksurfdata ( in order to leverage the dynamic urban capability from this version). The default LULC pftcft raw data in the generated namelist is located at /inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.LUH2.histsimyr1850-2015.c20230226. However, this data are not available in the input data repository ( ) . May I ask if it is possible to share this data there? And what is the difference between the older version (filename ended with.c170629 in the input data repository) and this new version? Can I use the older version as a replacement?

Thank you very much!


Staff member
Hi @liliyao

I just started the job that imports the files from the directory that you requested to the repository. I hope it takes no more than an hour to complete.

@lawrencepj1 may respond about diffs from the older version, but maybe it's not pressing if you have access to the new data?


Hi @liliyao

I just started the job that imports the files from the directory that you requested to the repository. I hope it takes no more than an hour to complete.

@lawrencepj1 may respond about diffs from the older version, but maybe it's not pressing if you have access to the new data?
Hi Sam, thank you so much for your response! I have now seen the files from the repository. And yes, it's not pressing to know the differences between the new and old versions. I'm just curious about it. Thanks!
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