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land unit code for 'urban' CLM4.5

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Xueli Huo


I have a question about land unit code for 'urban'.

What is the land unit code for 'urban'? Should I check cols1d_ityplun - or - cols1d_ityp ... and does it change from CLM 4.5 to CLM5?


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
You can find the landunit "codes" by doing an ncdump on any CLM history file and looking at the global attributes.
The urban landunits are:
:ltype_urban_tbd = 7 ;
:ltype_urban_hd = 8 ;
:ltype_urban_md = 9 ;

where tbd is tall building district, hd is high density, and md is low density.
They should be the same in CLM4.5 and CLM5.

Xueli Huo

Thanks, Keith.

When I do an ncdump on a CLM history file, I saw two attributes that I don't understand in the global attributes.

ctype_crop_noncompete = "2*100+m, m=cft_lb,cft_ub"
ctype_landice_multiple_elevation_classes = "4*100+m, m=1,glcnec"

Could you please explain what does the two attributes represent for ?



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
ctype_crop_noncompete are the column types for individual crops (if the crop model is turned on) that are each on their own soil column (noncompete means they don't compete for soil water). See this table in the technical note for the crop types:

column numbering for these types starts at 2*100+m, where m=cft_lb=15 (see clm_varpar.F90).

ctype_landice_multiple_elevation_classes are the column type for the landice elevation classes. glcnec is typically 10.

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