What version of the code are you using?
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
I have developed a leaching module for this tag, and all checks and initial simulations have been passed, no error meet.
Describe your problem or question:
Hi @slevis
I want to clone a case to spin up and test the hist run of my leaching method, but I fail to clone your case
./create_clone --clone ~slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm53019_f09_BNF_AD/ --case $WORK/cases/ctsm53027_LEACHING_AD
ERROR: Missing cloneroot directory /glade/u/home/slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm53019_f09_BNF_AD
I have several other questions
(1) Should I use the parameter set 1-deg I-case spin-up and historical to test new CLM6 paramfile (ctsm53026_f09_BNF_[AD, SASU, pSASU, hist]) · Issue #91 · NCAR/LMWG_dev
(2) I have never cloned someone's case before, so I just want to check that ./create_clone only replicates the case setup, not the source code.
(3) Will told me that if I can't use SASU method, I should spin up my AD longer, so how long I should run this ad case?
Thank you!
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
I have developed a leaching module for this tag, and all checks and initial simulations have been passed, no error meet.
Describe your problem or question:
Hi @slevis
I want to clone a case to spin up and test the hist run of my leaching method, but I fail to clone your case
./create_clone --clone ~slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm53019_f09_BNF_AD/ --case $WORK/cases/ctsm53027_LEACHING_AD
ERROR: Missing cloneroot directory /glade/u/home/slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm53019_f09_BNF_AD
I have several other questions
(1) Should I use the parameter set 1-deg I-case spin-up and historical to test new CLM6 paramfile (ctsm53026_f09_BNF_[AD, SASU, pSASU, hist]) · Issue #91 · NCAR/LMWG_dev
(2) I have never cloned someone's case before, so I just want to check that ./create_clone only replicates the case setup, not the source code.
(3) Will told me that if I can't use SASU method, I should spin up my AD longer, so how long I should run this ad case?
Thank you!