Thank you for taking time to answering. I've tried several different things, but this is how it looks like now. I use a compset similar to F_ARM97_SCAM5, but I've changed the iop-file to the iop-file from the Dycoms-campaign ( Then I also had to change lat (31.5), lon (238.5) and start date (990710). I've also tried the same for other iop-files (f.eks. GATE) just to see if it works. The model runs perfectly fine for the ARM97-case, but I get problems with the other cases. I've used both T42_T42 and T31_T31. When I used the latter one. I did find a file which I replaced with ".../inputdata/share/domains/UNSET" (see ice_in) for both grid_nml and kmt_file in user_nl_cice (.../inputdata/share/domains/ This made the model run without giving me the same error, but now I get other errors concerning the ice (when I did this to the whole model, with F_2000_CAM5 and T31_T31, it worked fine, so there's something wrong when I try to do this with SCAM). I am going to look at an area without ice, so I think it's wrong to have to add ice-files to make the model work..., and I wonder if the solutions has to do with one of the inputfiles ncdata (in atm_in) or SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME or SSTICE_GRID_FILENAME (in ice_in, set in env_run.xml). Are there any variables in theese files that has to be in a certain way? Or do I have to do other adjustments to the compset? I am doing this to learn how to run SCAM for an area over the ocean since I'm going to do this later in my work (I'm not attached to dycoms-iop or GATE-iop). Thanks,