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Missing input data for 0.47x0.63 run

Danny Leung

New Member
Hi CESM community--
I am using CESM2.1.0 for a 0.47x0.63 run (f05_f05_mg17) using the compset F2000climo. Creating the case indicates mapping files for lnd2glc and glc2lnd are missing, as follows:
File not found: lnd2glc_fmapname = "cpl/gridmaps/fv0.47x0.63/"
File not found: lnd2glc_smapname = "cpl/gridmaps/fv0.47x0.63/"
File not found: glc2lnd_fmapname = "cpl/gridmaps/gland4km/"
File not found: glc2lnd_smapname = "cpl/gridmaps/gland4km/"
So I could not run the simulation. I tried to go to the directory (/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/cpl/gridmaps/fv0.47x0000.63) and saw there were no required datasets.
I thought this is was due to the use of gland4km for the glc, but creating another case resolutions like gx1v7 (f05_g17) gave the same error.
I googled and did not find where I could download the datasets. Where can I get these required datasets for a 0.47x0.63 run?
Thank you,

Danny Leung

New Member
There are no relevant lnd-glc mapping files in Cheyenne. The F compset is coupling land with atmosphere but also using a prescribed land ice model CISM. Changing to a slab glacier would solve to problem if one focuses on lnd and atm.
e.g., if one uses F2000climo (which is, 2000_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV)
just explicitly type 2000_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV
when creating a case would solve the problem.


Ru Xu
夏安没有相关的 lnd-glc 映射文件。 F compset 将陆地与大气耦合,但也使用规定的陆地冰模型 CISM。如果专注于 lnd 和 atm,改用板状冰川就能解决问题。
I also has this issue when running F2000climo with res f05_g17, have you solved this problem already?

Danny Leung

New Member
Yes! As I said in the previous comment, I switched to the slab glacier instead of using CISM to avoid having no mapping files for CISM. So, just simply don't use a F2000climo and instead explicitly type out the long name of the compset.