I am running mkmapdata.sh and encountered an error whlie it was creating the map file for 3x3min_MODIS-wCsp. (It successfully ran for other grids.)
I am using the released source code of CESM2.2. And intel 19.0.5 and ESMF 8.0.0 are used as in mkmapdata.sh.
Here are error messages:
mpiexec_mpt -np 36 /glade/u/apps/ch/opt/esmf-mpi-netcdf/8.0.0/mpt/2.22/intel/19.0.5//bin/binO/Linux.intel.64.mpt.default/ESMF_RegridWeightGen --ignore_unmapped -s /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/grids/SCRIPgrid_3minx3min_MODISwcspsea_c151020.nc -d /glade/work/jjang/cesm/gen_input/MPAS/mpas_scrip/mp120a_scrip.nc -m conserve -w map_3x3min_MODIS-wCsp_to_mpasa120_nomask_aave_da_c210423.nc --src_type SCRIP --dst_type SCRIP --64bit_offset
WARNING: deprecated switch -src_type will be ignored. The file type will be de
tected automatically
WARNING: deprecated switch -dst_type will be ignored. The file type will be de
tected automatically
Starting weight generation with these inputs:
Source File:
Destination File:
Weight File: map_3x3min_MODIS-wCsp_to_mpasa120_nomask_aave_da_c210423.nc
Source File is in SCRIP format
Source Grid is a global grid
Source Grid is a logically rectangular grid
Use the center coordinates of the source grid to do the regrid
Destination File is in SCRIP format
Destination Grid is a global grid
Destination Grid is an unstructured grid
Use the center coordinates of the destination grid to do the regrid
Regrid Method: conserve
Pole option: NONE
Ignore unmapped destination points
Output weight file in 64bit offset NetCDF file format
Line Type: greatcircle
Norm Type: dstarea
Extrap. Method: none
ERROR: Problem on processor 12
. Please see the PET*.RegridWeightGen.Log files for a traceback.
In PET12.RegridWeightGen.Log, the messages are written as:
20210423 103058.307 INFO PET12 Running with ESMF Version 7.1.0r
20210423 103059.191 ERROR PET12 ESMF_Grid.F90:5304 ESMF_GridCreate Wrong argument specified - - Bad corner array in SCRIP file
20210423 103059.191 ERROR PET12 ESMF_Grid.F90:6480 ESMF_GridCreateFrmScrip Wrong argument specified - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20210423 103059.205 ERROR PET12 ESMF_Grid.F90:6141 ESMF_GridCreateFrmNCFile Wrong argument specified - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20210423 103059.205 ERROR PET12 ESMF_RegridWeightGen.F90:1146 ESMF_RegridWeightGenFile Wrong argument specified - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20210423 103059.205 INFO PET12 Finalizing ESMF
Other 3min data didn't have this problem, but I cannot get a mapping file for this grid.
I used 4 cpus per node with mem=109GB on Cheyenne, and I tried increasing the number of nodes to 12, but it didn't work.
Any information will be greatly helpful. Thank you in advance.
I am running mkmapdata.sh and encountered an error whlie it was creating the map file for 3x3min_MODIS-wCsp. (It successfully ran for other grids.)
I am using the released source code of CESM2.2. And intel 19.0.5 and ESMF 8.0.0 are used as in mkmapdata.sh.
Here are error messages:
mpiexec_mpt -np 36 /glade/u/apps/ch/opt/esmf-mpi-netcdf/8.0.0/mpt/2.22/intel/19.0.5//bin/binO/Linux.intel.64.mpt.default/ESMF_RegridWeightGen --ignore_unmapped -s /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/grids/SCRIPgrid_3minx3min_MODISwcspsea_c151020.nc -d /glade/work/jjang/cesm/gen_input/MPAS/mpas_scrip/mp120a_scrip.nc -m conserve -w map_3x3min_MODIS-wCsp_to_mpasa120_nomask_aave_da_c210423.nc --src_type SCRIP --dst_type SCRIP --64bit_offset
WARNING: deprecated switch -src_type will be ignored. The file type will be de
tected automatically
WARNING: deprecated switch -dst_type will be ignored. The file type will be de
tected automatically
Starting weight generation with these inputs:
Source File:
Destination File:
Weight File: map_3x3min_MODIS-wCsp_to_mpasa120_nomask_aave_da_c210423.nc
Source File is in SCRIP format
Source Grid is a global grid
Source Grid is a logically rectangular grid
Use the center coordinates of the source grid to do the regrid
Destination File is in SCRIP format
Destination Grid is a global grid
Destination Grid is an unstructured grid
Use the center coordinates of the destination grid to do the regrid
Regrid Method: conserve
Pole option: NONE
Ignore unmapped destination points
Output weight file in 64bit offset NetCDF file format
Line Type: greatcircle
Norm Type: dstarea
Extrap. Method: none
ERROR: Problem on processor 12
. Please see the PET*.RegridWeightGen.Log files for a traceback.
In PET12.RegridWeightGen.Log, the messages are written as:
20210423 103058.307 INFO PET12 Running with ESMF Version 7.1.0r
20210423 103059.191 ERROR PET12 ESMF_Grid.F90:5304 ESMF_GridCreate Wrong argument specified - - Bad corner array in SCRIP file
20210423 103059.191 ERROR PET12 ESMF_Grid.F90:6480 ESMF_GridCreateFrmScrip Wrong argument specified - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20210423 103059.205 ERROR PET12 ESMF_Grid.F90:6141 ESMF_GridCreateFrmNCFile Wrong argument specified - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20210423 103059.205 ERROR PET12 ESMF_RegridWeightGen.F90:1146 ESMF_RegridWeightGenFile Wrong argument specified - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20210423 103059.205 INFO PET12 Finalizing ESMF
Other 3min data didn't have this problem, but I cannot get a mapping file for this grid.
I used 4 cpus per node with mem=109GB on Cheyenne, and I tried increasing the number of nodes to 12, but it didn't work.
Any information will be greatly helpful. Thank you in advance.