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mksrf_fvegtyp error when generating hirespft surface maps

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Brett Raczka
New Member
I am making a custom high resolution surface map using release-cesm2.2.0. See my directory here: /glade/work/bmraczka/cesm2.2.0/components/clm/tools/mksurfdata_map. I generated the necessary custom files located in the mkmapdata directory. The script will generate surface files for the coarse resolution cases, however, when I use the 'hirespft' option I get an error.

The command I use to execute is as follows:

>> qcmd -q share -l select=1 -- ./ -res usrspec -usr_gname SCZOCLM5.0.34 -usr_gdate 230627 -dinlc /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata -years 2000 -hirespft >stdout.2000-hirespft.SCZOCLM5.0.34

I get the following error (shown below), also in the output file ~/mksurfdata_map/stdout.2000-hirespft.SCZOCLM5.0.34

ERROR: could NOT find a mksrf_fvegtyp data file for this resolution: 3x3min and type: veg and MODISv2.
./../../bld/ -csmdata /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata -silent -justvalue -namelist clmexp -options hgrid=3x3min,lmask=MODISv2,mergeGIS=off,crop='on',sim_year=2000 -var mksrf_fvegtyp--

It's not clear to me if I am missing a critical file in /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata or making some other error in the execution of the script. Thank you for your help.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Can you try "-years 2005" in your command instead of "-years 2000". I think the hirespft is only triggered off of 2005.
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