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Namelist read error caused by 5004 error when trying to run modified code on UCSC system


Mark England
New Member
Hi there,

On cheyenne, have succesfully run a modified case where I have added longwave flux into the sea ice model. An example can be found at /glade/u/home/mre2126/cesm2_cases/AquaSOM_icersnw.80_1850_GFm50_h30_Qflux1850NHSH_symaero_fix8 which includes the SourceMod files. I have also added namelist variables.

However, when I try to do the identical simulation on the cluster here at UCSC (with same version of CESM2), the model can build and the namelist looks right, but then when I submit the job I get the error "Namelist read error in lw_prescribed_mod" (here lw_prescribed_mod is in my SourceMods). It seems that this error often occurs because there are extra variables in the namelist. However the exact code runs perfectly on cheyenne, and I have checked all the variables in my namelist. When I try to chase the error further, I have found that the error code is 5004 when trying to open ice_in.

Note that I have been using a simplified setup in aquaplanet mode with thermodynamic sea ice.

Many thanks for all the help.