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NetCDF version


Rich Neale
CAM Project Scientist
Staff member
The latest version of netcdf that we are using here actively here at NCAR is 3.6.1 so we haven't
upgraded yet and tested in CAM I believe (the CCSM configuration may already have for certain machines).

I would check out the following website (if you haven't already) to see if there are similar bugs
to yours. Otherwise what is the error output you're getting?
Thanks for the quick reply. The error I am getting is below.

/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/local/lib/libnetcdf.a when searching for -lnetcdf
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/local/lib/libnetcdf.a when searching for -lnetcdf
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lnetcdf
gmake: *** [/scratch/cam/] Error 2

Thanks again.


Rich Neale
CAM Project Scientist
Staff member
Apologies for the obvious questions.
I presumed you downloaded the binary code distributions.
If you did, I presume you have them for the right architecture and that you are not by
any chance mixing binaries from 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 by by accident (given the 'incompatible'

If that is all ok you may want to build the binaries yourself, if you have the courage, to
see if it reveals any problems.

One more thing, make sure you are not mixing up 32 and 64 bit libraries.
Thanks again for the quick reply.

I'm using the x64 version of NetCDF 3.6.2 on SUSE 10.1 x64. NCL is functioning properly -- should I be encouraged by that?

I will build the binaries from source and hopefully make some progress.


Rich Neale
CAM Project Scientist
Staff member
I wouldn't be too encouraged by NCL functioning with it as I think they have tested with it.