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Ocean_only configuration of regional MOM6 reads atmospheric forcing only at initial time


Maria Aristizabal
New Member
Hi Jiande,
Thanks for running the global_ALE/z example in Orion! As you did, I just recently cloned the MOM6-example repo, built the ocean_only configuration, linked all the input files to the directory /MOM6-examples/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/INPUT and run the example without making any change to the configuration files for this particular example and I got exactly the same error message that we have been getting before:
WARNING from PE 0: num_timelevels: variable taux in file INPUT/ has fewer than min_dims = 3 dimensions.

Which indicates that the problem is on our side. If you have a chance, could you take a look at our run?
My run directory is /work/noaa/hwrf/save/maristiz/MOM6-examples_Feb_25/ocean_only/global_ALE/z
and the log file, debug_MOM6_ocean-only_globalALEz_out.log.4674813, is the same directory.

The branch information for the MOM6 submodule is the following:
* (detached from 149073f) 149073f Remove hard-wired parameter in adjustEtaToFitBathymetry (#69)
dev/gfdl 2e72b88 [origin/dev/gfdl] Merge pull request #71 from NOAA-GFDL/main_to_dev

The modules loaded are:
1) impi/2018.4 2) intel/2018.4 3) hdf5/1.10.5 4) netcdf/4.7.4

What modules are you loading?


Jiande Wang
New Member
I don't see anything wrong in your module load.
You need do chmod as I got permission deny to your directory.



Maria Aristizabal
New Member
Hi Gustavo and the others that have contributed to this thread,
I wanted to let you know that last Friday night we realized, with Jiande's help, that one of the input files that we were using for the global_ALE/z MOM6-example had been corrupted during the transfer to Orion, and that this was the cause for our failure to run the example. Our original issue still remains (see the very first post to this thread), but now we have this example working and we will try to modify our atmospheric forcing file accordingly. Thanks all for your help!


John Steffen
New Member
Hello everyone,

Thank you for your advice as we work through getting the sub-daily GFS forcing to MOM6 ocean_only.

As Maria mentioned, we were able to run the global_ALE/z/ from MOM6-examples. I notice that the atmospheric forcing file includes daily- and monthly-averaged variables that force MOM6. However, these are time-averaged fields, and not instantaneous values. Has anyone been able to modify the MOM_input settings (particularly from the MOM_surface_forcing module) to accommodate high-frequency, instantaneous forcing variables?

When looking at the MOM6 source code for importing wind stress, radiation fluxes and heat fluxes from input files (src/MOM6/config_src/drivers/solo_driver/MOM_surface_forcing.F90), it appears that the call to get_time only supports a time_lev which is either time_lev_daily and/or time_lev_monthly. So, is sub-daily atmospheric forcing even possible in the MOM6 ocean_only configuration?

Here are the subroutines I am referring to,
Line 667: wind_forcing_from_file(sfc_state, forces, day, G, US, CS)
Line 881: subroutine buoyancy_forcing_from_files(sfc_state, fluxes, day, dt, G, US, CS)

Also, Kate had previously mentioned that it was her understanding that we need to use the coupled ice_ocean_SIS2 configuration to use high-frequency surface forcing. I have tested our forcing file with ice_ocean_SIS2 and it works as expected, reading in radiation fluxes every 3 hours. Can someone briefly explain the differences between the ocean_only and ice_ocean_SIS2 configurations which permits sub-daily atmospheric forcing?

Thank you for your responses! We greatly appreciate the feedback.



Youwei Ma
New Member

I find this thread really helpful for me to run an ocean-only config under atmospheric forcing. I am curious that if there is any way to do the same thing using CMOM that MOM6 communicates with data atmosphere by nuopc. It seems that DATM has only a few of fixed DATM_MODE, so how to customize my own surface forcing?

Heng Xu

Heng Xu
New Member
Hi everyone, hope you are well.
I found I have a similar question that I have daily time-varying wind stress data (input data), which I want to have as forcing in the two-layered idealized model. However, I found it is also constant...
The details of input data:

Also some configuration setting:
Not quite sure what happened here, I just thought it should work...

All the best