Hi Jiande,
Thanks for running the global_ALE/z example in Orion! As you did, I just recently cloned the MOM6-example repo, built the ocean_only configuration, linked all the input files to the directory /MOM6-examples/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/INPUT and run the example without making any change to the configuration files for this particular example and I got exactly the same error message that we have been getting before:
WARNING from PE 0: num_timelevels: variable taux in file INPUT/ocean_forcing_daily.nc has fewer than min_dims = 3 dimensions.
FATAL from PE 0: NETCDF ERROR: NetCDF: HDF error File=INPUT/ocean_forcing_daily.nc
Which indicates that the problem is on our side. If you have a chance, could you take a look at our run?
My run directory is /work/noaa/hwrf/save/maristiz/MOM6-examples_Feb_25/ocean_only/global_ALE/z
and the log file, debug_MOM6_ocean-only_globalALEz_out.log.4674813, is the same directory.
The branch information for the MOM6 submodule is the following:
* (detached from 149073f) 149073f Remove hard-wired parameter in adjustEtaToFitBathymetry (#69)
dev/gfdl 2e72b88 [origin/dev/gfdl] Merge pull request #71 from NOAA-GFDL/main_to_dev
The modules loaded are:
1) impi/2018.4 2) intel/2018.4 3) hdf5/1.10.5 4) netcdf/4.7.4
What modules are you loading?
Thanks for running the global_ALE/z example in Orion! As you did, I just recently cloned the MOM6-example repo, built the ocean_only configuration, linked all the input files to the directory /MOM6-examples/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/INPUT and run the example without making any change to the configuration files for this particular example and I got exactly the same error message that we have been getting before:
WARNING from PE 0: num_timelevels: variable taux in file INPUT/ocean_forcing_daily.nc has fewer than min_dims = 3 dimensions.
FATAL from PE 0: NETCDF ERROR: NetCDF: HDF error File=INPUT/ocean_forcing_daily.nc
Which indicates that the problem is on our side. If you have a chance, could you take a look at our run?
My run directory is /work/noaa/hwrf/save/maristiz/MOM6-examples_Feb_25/ocean_only/global_ALE/z
and the log file, debug_MOM6_ocean-only_globalALEz_out.log.4674813, is the same directory.
The branch information for the MOM6 submodule is the following:
* (detached from 149073f) 149073f Remove hard-wired parameter in adjustEtaToFitBathymetry (#69)
dev/gfdl 2e72b88 [origin/dev/gfdl] Merge pull request #71 from NOAA-GFDL/main_to_dev
The modules loaded are:
1) impi/2018.4 2) intel/2018.4 3) hdf5/1.10.5 4) netcdf/4.7.4
What modules are you loading?