I am running CAM5.3.01 (CESM 1.2.2) model and I would like to output far infrared variables from rrtmg and specifically the upward long wave flux (w/m2) (dimensions: (0:nlayers)) — totuflux. I changed the file /models/atm/cam/src/physics/rrtmg/ext/rrtmg_lw/rrtmg_lw_rtrn.f90, I attache it (rrtmg_lw_rtrn_Changed.txt) with my modifications highlighted with #-- QC). I naively tried to output by following the commands from file radiation.F90 (which output the rrtmg variables). Unfortunately, I cannot build the model with the changes and I attach part of the file atm.bldlog.txt with the error:
“remark #8291: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+7'.
666 format('cmp3d: ', a10, 3(1x, i4), 3(1x, e20.14))”.
I am not changing anything from the create_newcase command:
$ create_newcase -case mytest_fir -mach narval -res f19_g16 -compset F_2000_CAM5
$ ./cesm_setup
$ ./mytest1.build
$ ./mytest1.submit
I was wondering if anyone tried to output variables from rrtmg directly or if you know how to solve this issue.
Thank you!
I am running CAM5.3.01 (CESM 1.2.2) model and I would like to output far infrared variables from rrtmg and specifically the upward long wave flux (w/m2) (dimensions: (0:nlayers)) — totuflux. I changed the file /models/atm/cam/src/physics/rrtmg/ext/rrtmg_lw/rrtmg_lw_rtrn.f90, I attache it (rrtmg_lw_rtrn_Changed.txt) with my modifications highlighted with #-- QC). I naively tried to output by following the commands from file radiation.F90 (which output the rrtmg variables). Unfortunately, I cannot build the model with the changes and I attach part of the file atm.bldlog.txt with the error:
“remark #8291: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+7'.
666 format('cmp3d: ', a10, 3(1x, i4), 3(1x, e20.14))”.
I am not changing anything from the create_newcase command:
$ create_newcase -case mytest_fir -mach narval -res f19_g16 -compset F_2000_CAM5
$ ./cesm_setup
$ ./mytest1.build
$ ./mytest1.submit
I was wondering if anyone tried to output variables from rrtmg directly or if you know how to solve this issue.
Thank you!