Hi CESM Software Working Group,I'm trying to port CCSM3 from yellowstone to cheyenne and I can get the model configured, but the model fails to build.I documented what I did below. It seems that additional changes need to be made in file modules.cheyenne. I would like to get some advice on this. The version of CCSM3 I'm trying to port is at /glade/p/cesm/cseg/releases/ccsm3_0_1_beta33I was following the instruction---6.10 Adding a new machine to $CCSMROOT/ from the CCSM guide below:http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/ccsm3.0/ccsm/doc/UsersGuide/UsersGuide/node8.html#SECTION000810000000000000000Here is what I did:
- edit $CCSMROOT/ccsm_utils/Tools/check_machine and add the cheyenne to the list named ``resok''.
- cd $CCSMROOT/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/[/i] and copy yellowstone specific files into cheyenne specific files.
- cd $CCSMROOT/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/cp env.linux.yellowstone env.linux.cheyennecp run.linux.yellowstone run.linux.cheyennecp batch.linux.yellowstone batch.linux.cheyenne and "set mach = cheyenne"cp l_archive.linux.yellowstone l_archive.linux.cheyenne and "set mach = cheyenne"
- For the modules, I copied that from the cesm1_2_2_1 (cesm1_2_2 for cheyenne)
- cp $CCSMROOT_of_cesm1_2_2_1/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/env_mach_specific.cheyenne modules.cheyenne
- I also needs to revise modules.cheyenne to get it working as much as possible (I attached the revised file modules.cheyenne below)
- I also copied the file "Macros" from one of my cheyenne cesm1_2_2_1 simulation to $CCSMROOT/models/bld/Macros.Linux (which I attached below)[/i]
- cp $My_cesm1_2_1_1_CASEROOT/Macros [/i]$CCSMROOT/models/bld/[/i]Macros.Linux[/i]