The most progress I have been able to make is to use something like this in the run script:mpiexec_mpt -v -np $NTASKS[1] omplace $EXEROOT/all/$COMPONENTS[1] : -np $NTASKS[2] omplace $EXEROOT/all/$COMPONENTS[2] : -np $NTASKS[3] omplace $EXEROOT/all/$COMPONENTS[3] : -np $NTASKS[4] omplace $EXEROOT/all/$COMPONENTS[4] : -np $NTASKS[5] omplace $EXEROOT/all/$COMPONENTS[5] & The challenge is that you may encounter the error, "MPT ERROR: could not run executable. If this is a non-MPT application,you may need to set MPI_SHEPHERD=true." This is deceptive. It is not caused here by "a bad node" as you may find by searching the forums here. The issue is that MCT does not recognize the various CCSM3 executables as valid MPI programs. I have found that this can be partly solved by ensuring that the code is compiled by the MCT versions of the MPI compilers, but I still end up with segmentation faults:"MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGSEGV(11).Process ID: 25767, Host: r6i4n5, Program: /glade2/scratch2/heavens/Isabel1_mapgenerator/cpl/cplMPT Version: SGI MPT 2.15 12/18/16 02:58:06"I'm trying to see if there are any useful hints in the tracebacks.Nicholas HeavensResearch Assistant Professor of Planetary ScienceHampton University