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Prescribing irrigation for single point CLM5 case


Olga Dombrowski
New Member
Hi everyone,
I want to modify the source code of CLM5 to prescribe irrigation from a measured irrigation timeseries for a single point case with my own atmospheric forcings and using BGCcrop.
I am wondering what would be the best strategy to go about this. I am thinking of creating a separate netcdf file with irrigation data that is read in by the irrigation routine. This may be similar to how prescribed soil moisture is read in but I am uncertain about the steps I should take and which parts of the code I could reuse for this development?
Many thanks in advance for any advice on this.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Yes, it seems like the "streams" capability in CLM is what you would start with. There are several examples; nitrogen deposition, soil moisture, population density, lai, etc. Nitrogen deposition, for example, is handled by src/main/ndepStreamMod.F90. I also used the lai stream example recently to create an "urbantv" stream. urbantv is handled by src/biogeophys/UrbanTimeVarType.F90.
You'll also need to add some things to the namelist functionality. For the urbantv example, see bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_clm4_5.xml, bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm4_5.xml, and bld/namelist_files/


Olga Dombrowski
New Member
Thanks a lot for the advice Keith. I will have a look into those files. As far as I know all streams files are global files. Is it possible to use this option but provide only data that correspond to my single point case, so no global file?