If you spunup up for 200 years with repeated atmospheric forcing and your model start date was 1850, then your restart file at the end would be single_spinup_brazil01.clm2.r.2050-01-01-00000. From your lnd_in, it looks like you are then using that restart file for finidat to initialize your historical simulation (1850-2014). So I don't think there is any problem with that.
Thanks for your reply,Mr.Oleson. But when I use the restart file for finidat to initialize my historical simulation, the RUN_SATARTDATE must be 2050, otherwise, it didn’t work and show the error. So for example, if I want to simulate the year of 1965, how should I do?
------------------------------error information below--------------------------------------------------
ERROR: ERROR in restFileMod.F90 at line 923.
The information about the line923 are following:
if (year /= rest_year) then
if (masterproc) then
write(iulog,*) 'ERROR: Current model year does not match year on initial conditions file (finidat)'
write(iulog,*) 'Current year: ', year
write(iulog,*) 'Year on initial conditions file: ', rest_year
write(iulog,*) ' '
write(iulog,*) 'This match is a requirement when both:'
write(iulog,*) '(a) The current run is a transient run, and'
write(iulog,*) '(b) The initial conditions file was generated from a transient run'
write(iulog,*) ' '
write(iulog,*) 'Possible solutions to this problem:'
write(iulog,*) '(1) Make sure RUN_STARTDATE is set correctly'
write(iulog,*) '(2) Make sure you are using the correct initial conditions file (finidat)'
write(iulog,*) '(3) If you are confident that you are using the correct start date and initial conditions file,'
write(iulog,*) ' yet are still experiencing this error, then you can bypass this check by setting:'
write(iulog,*) ' check_finidat_year_consistency = .false.'
write(iulog,*) ' in user_nl_clm'
write(iulog,*) ' '
end if
call endrun(msg=errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) ! Lin923 --Mike
end if ! year /= rest_year
end if ! flanduse_timeseries_rest /= ' '
end if ! fpftdyn /= ' '
Thank you.