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problem in "gmake" in CAM4


While building CAM4, ./configure is done successfully and then on executing gmake, I am getting the following error.

fortcom: Error: ccsm_driver.F90, line 46: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [OCN_COMP_MCT]
use ocn_comp_mct, only: ocn_init_mct, ocn_run_mct, ocn_final_mct
fortcom: Error: /shome/2009ast3222/ccsm4_working_copy/models/drv/driver/ccsm_driver.F90, line 653: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name. [OCN_INIT_MCT]
call ocn_init_mct( EClock_o, cdata_oo, x2o_oo, o2x_oo, NLFilename=NLFilename )
fortcom: Error: /shome/2009ast3222/ccsm4_working_copy/models/drv/driver/ccsm_driver.F90, line 1615: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name. [OCN_RUN_MCT]
call ocn_run_mct( EClock_o, cdata_oo, x2o_oo, o2x_oo)
fortcom: Error: /shome/2009ast3222/ccsm4_working_copy/models/drv/driver/ccsm_driver.F90, line 2333: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name. [OCN_FINAL_MCT]
call ocn_final_mct( )
fortcom: Error: ccsm_driver.F90, line 46: Name in only-list does not exist. [OCN_INIT_MCT]
use ocn_comp_mct, only: ocn_init_mct, ocn_run_mct, ocn_final_mct
fortcom: Error: ccsm_driver.F90, line 46: Name in only-list does not exist. [OCN_RUN_MCT]
use ocn_comp_mct, only: ocn_init_mct, ocn_run_mct, ocn_final_mct
fortcom: Error: ccsm_driver.F90, line 46: Name in only-list does not exist. [OCN_FINAL_MCT]
use ocn_comp_mct, only: ocn_init_mct, ocn_run_mct, ocn_final_mct
compilation aborted for /shome/2009ast3222/ccsm4_working_copy/models/drv/driver/ccsm_driver.F90 (code 1)
gmake: *** [ccsm_driver.o] Error 1

I am not getting what i should do.

Please help
I have one more doubt... I am using ifort compiler instead of pgf90 as mentioned in Makefile.

So, I just let me know that is ifort complier sufficient or there are some other things to be care of when using ifort or is pgf90 compulsory compiler for buliding CAM ?

And one more thing, the problem which I have mentioned in my above post, I have searched for it on net and I have found that its related something with NETCDF.

I am totally new to all these please help me.



CSEG and Liaisons
The code is much more thoroughly tested with pgi than with intel, so pgi is certainly preferred, but not necessary.

Please supply the exact configure command that you are using.
thank you sir,
i am using "./configure" command to configure and "gmake" to execute gmake......
all other are same as in previous post.

so, plz. suggest me if any correction is required with it.

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
New Delhi-110016 (INDIA)


CSEG and Liaisons
Another thread has reported the same problem you have described. It appears that the ocn_comp_mct.F90 file is not being compiled before the compilation of ccsm_driver.F90. Can you check your build directory to see whether the ocn_comp_mct.mod file is present? If it is not, then search in the Depends file for the line that starts with "ccsm_driver.o : ccsm_driver.F90" and check that the dependency ocn_comp_mct.o is among the list of .o files on that line. Let me know what you find out.

There is no "ocn_comp_mct.mod" file in build directory. Then I have checked the "ccsm_driver.o : ccsm_driver.F90" in Depends but dependancy "ocn_comp_mct.o" is not among the list of .o files on that line.

so what next to do.



CSEG and Liaisons
That is strange. Could you please start again with a clean build directory and run the same configure command that you have been using, but add the -v argument which will provide verbose output. Please post the output from running configure. Also post the contents of the Filepath file that it generates. Finally post the line from the Depends file that starts with "ccsm_driver.o :" Thanks.
Dear Sir,

I have done as you have asked. I am attaching two pdf files named "configure.out" for verbose output and "Filepath" file.

here is the content of "ccsm_driver.o :"

ccsm_driver.o : ccsm_driver.F90 map_ocnocn_mct.o mrg_x2s_mct.o ice_comp_mct.o mrg_x2o_mct.o ESMF_Mod.o shr_map_mod.o seq_hist_mod.o mrg_x2a_mct.o atm_comp_mct.o seq_domain_mct.o map_atmice_mct.o seq_rest_mod.o shr_sys_mod.o mrg_x2l_mct.o seq_frac_mct.o seq_diag_mct.o shr_file_mod.o seq_flds_indices.o seq_flux_mct.o map_lndlnd_mct.o map_iceice_mct.o map_iceocn_mct.o map_glcglc_mct.o lnd_comp_mct.o seq_comm_mct.o map_snoglc_mct.o shr_kind_mod.o map_rofrof_mct.o map_atmlnd_mct.o map_atmatm_mct.o perf_mod.o seq_cdata_mod.o map_rofocn_mct.o seq_avdata_mod.o map_atmocn_mct.o shr_mem_mod.o shr_const_mod.o seq_io_mod.o shr_mpi_mod.o shr_scam_mod.o map_snosno_mct.o mrg_x2g_mct.o mrg_x2i_mct.o seq_timemgr_mod.o mct_mod.o glc_comp_mct.o seq_infodata_mod.o mpif.h

Thanks for your time, please guide me next.



CSEG and Liaisons
I can see from the verbose output that you are not using the official ccsm4_0 release, but rather one of the alpha releases. It appears that the CAM standalone build is broken in these alpha release versions (but using an F compset with the CCSM scripts should work). Please update to either the offical ccsm4_0 release, or better yet to the most recent cesm1_0 release. If updating to the cesm1_0 release then it is important to note that the default version of the CAM standalone model is CAM5. To get the cam4 physics you need to supply the configure command with the argument "-phys cam4".