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Python tools of CTSM


New Member
Dear all,

I'm new to CTSM and have experience only with single-point simulations. I have a question regarding the tools available for regional-scale simulations. Specifically, I am trying to subset the model to my study region and incorporate my own PFT data. It appears that CTSM provides Python tools for this purpose (CTSM/python at master · ESCOMP/CTSM). However, I am unsure if there are any online tutorials on how to use these tools. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I don't know that we have any online tutorials for those tools yet. For regional-scale simulations, I would look in the tools/site_and_regional directory. There is a README in there that tells you how to use subset_data. Once you have the ctsm_pylib environment created, you can do subset_data --help to see all of the available options.


New Member
I don't know that we have any online tutorials for those tools yet. For regional-scale simulations, I would look in the tools/site_and_regional directory. There is a README in there that tells you how to use subset_data. Once you have the ctsm_pylib environment created, you can do subset_data --help to see all of the available options.
Thanks, Keith. I will check it.


New Member
I don't know that we have any online tutorials for those tools yet. For regional-scale simulations, I would look in the tools/site_and_regional directory. There is a README in there that tells you how to use subset_data. Once you have the ctsm_pylib environment created, you can do subset_data --help to see all of the available options.
Hi Keith. I just reviewed the options for subset_data, and it seems to only perform subsetting from the global dataset. However, I need to extract a specific region and run the model at a resolution of approximately 5 km. I’m not sure if there's another Python script in the repository that can accomplish this. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks!


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
When you say you need to subset or extract a specific region, do you have a surface dataset at 5km resolution that you want to extract from? Or do you need to create a regional surface dataset at 5km resolution from scratch?
If it's the latter, then you will need to use the mksurfdata_esmf tool.


New Member
When you say you need to subset or extract a specific region, do you have a surface dataset at 5km resolution that you want to extract from? Or do you need to create a regional surface dataset at 5km resolution from scratch?
If it's the latter, then you will need to use the mksurfdata_esmf tool.
Thanks for your suggestion, Keith. I have a 5 km surface dataset for CONUS, but it may not adequately represent coastal regions, so I will likely need to generate one myself. I'll look into the mksurfdata_esmf tool. Thanks again!