The CaseStatus file stops at successful completion of the build, but doesn't have any indication of the model having actually run, which is odd. If you can't find the files you'll have to rerun the simulation. I would do an initial short run for the AD spinup, for example, for one year to get one annual average history file, to make sure the archiving is working correctly.
Regarding the NPP simulations, it looks like you have used the 1850 compset for the two spinups but are using year 1969 for atmospheric forcing. The 1850 compset is going to give you 1850 conditions in terms of surface data, and other forcing data such as nitrogen deposition, CO2, etc. The combination of that with 1969 atmospheric forcing is probably not going to give you a reasonable initial file to initialize your 1970-2014 simulation. Furthermore, it looks like you are using the 1850 compset to do your 1970-2014 simulation.
Typically, we use the 1850 compset to do an AD spinup (where the atmospheric forcing comes out of the box as looping over 1901-1920 since 1901 is the earliest year for which we have forcing) and a post-AD spinup. Then we use the resulting initial file and the "HIST" compset to run a transient simulation for 1850-2014. Then you could analyze 1970-2014.
On the other hand, that process involves a lot of model years to simulate. If you aren't making any changes to the model, then perhaps you can analyze existing simulations that have been released with CLM5:
A few other things:
1) I believe HIST_OPTION and HIST_N are for driver history output, I don't think you need to set those.
2) I'm not sure what you intend with this setting:
hist_fincl1 = 'GPP', 'NPP'
hist_fincl2 = 'NEE', 'NEP'
hist_nhtfrq = 0
hist_mfilt = 12
If, for example, you want monthly average GPP and NPP with 12 months per primary (h0) history file, and daily average NEE and NEP on a secondary history file (h1) with 365 daily values on each file, you'd do this:
hist_fincl1 = 'GPP', 'NPP'
hist_fincl2 = 'NEE', 'NEP'
hist_nhtfrq = 0,-24
hist_mfilt = 12,365
The "-24" indicates a daily (24 hour) average.
See here for a description of the hist_* namelist options:
Dear Dr. Keith Oleson
I have quoted your message and hightlighted a paragraph by using
bold orange (this is exactly what I want to do).
I have two questions.
Q1, I tried to spin up the model but only executed a 10-years run for test, I faced a problem when using SpinupStability_v10.ncl:
./create_newcase --case I1850Clm50BgcCrop_spinup_01 --res f19_g17 --compset I1850Clm50BgcCrop --run-unsupported
cd I1850Clm50BgcCrop_spinup_01
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION='nyears'
./xmlchange STOP_N=10
./xmlchange REST_N=1
./xmlchange REST_OPTION='nyears'
I added the following items to user_nl_clm
This simulation completed succesfully, and here is the CaseStatus:
2023-11-01 22:32:10: success
2023-11-01 22:32:58: case.submit starting
2023-11-01 22:48:06: case.submit error
ERROR: Could not find all inputdata on any server
2023-11-02 17:03:47: case.submit starting
2023-11-02 17:03:57: starting
2023-11-02 17:04:01: model execution starting
2023-11-04 09:26:09: model execution success
2023-11-04 09:26:09: success
2023-11-04 09:26:11: st_archive starting
2023-11-04 09:27:31: st_archive success
2023-11-04 09:27:31: case.submit error
ERROR: No result from jobs [('', None), ('case.st_archive', ' or case.test')]
When I tried to run SpinupStability_v10.ncl (attached), firstly, I set annual_hist = False, I got the following errors:
fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0
fatal:An error occurred reading fls
fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 93 in file SpinupStability_v10.ncl
Then I tried to set annual_hist = True, I got the following errors:
fatal:conform_dims: the dimension sizes of the second argument do not match those indicated by the third argument
fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 222 in file SpinupStability_v10.ncl
I wonder how to solve this error? I know the .ncl script is designed for hist_mfilt=1, if is it possible to revise the .ncl script to make it possible for handling hist_mfilt=12 ?
Q2, as I mentioned above, I want to conduct the 1850-2014 transient simulation by using I1850Clm50BgcCrop compset. However, it will take me a long time for model spin-up. I wonder if the spun up restart file (already in equilibrium) is provided somewhere or anyone can provide the prepared restart file?
I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with any information.