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question about CLM5 spin up

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Li Ming

Li Ming
Hello everyone,
In section Spinup of CLM5.0-BGC-Crop of the CLM5.0 User’s Guide, I see the GPP's AD_spin up and final_spin up trend graphs, the introduction mentioned this is using .../tools/contrib/SpinupStability.ncl to plot the trend graphs of the relevant variables. But I'm not find this tool and confused how to use this tool, can you please give me some advise? I want to plot the trend of GPP during spin_up
I'm a newbie and any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks in advance.


  • tools.png
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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
That script should be in that directory in recent versions of the model, e.g., release-cesm2.1.3. On the other hand the version there is probably out of date, we don't update those tools regularly enough. I've attached the most recent version of the script. There are instructions within the script on how to run it. But post here if you run into problems.


  • SpinupStability_v10.ncl.gz
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Li Ming

Li Ming
That script should be in that directory in recent versions of the model, e.g., release-cesm2.1.3. On the other hand the version there is probably out of date, we don't update those tools regularly enough. I've attached the most recent version of the script. There are instructions within the script on how to run it. But post here if you run into problems.
Thankyou for your reply, I made the change by referring to the instructions, but I'm not sure if it worked. When I set the subper = 20, The program generates file and this is the result. Did my program succeed?

Copyright (C) 1995-2019 - All Rights Reserved
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
NCAR Command Language Version 6.6.2
The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
See for more details.
(0) =========================================
(0) Start Time: 2023年 02月 08日 星期三 00:28:17 CST
(0) =========================================
warning:["CoordArrays.c":590]:No Valid values in Array, unable to compute Min or Max
warning:["CoordArrays.c":590]:No Valid values in Array, unable to compute Min or Max
(0) =======================================================================
(0) =======================================================================
(0) =======================================================================
(0) FATAL: TOTECOSYSC is NOT in equilibrium
(0) FATAL: TOTSOMC is NOT in equilibrium
(0) FATAL: TOTVEGC is NOT in equilibrium
(0) TLAI is in equilibrium. Eq. Yr. = 1
(0) GPP is in equilibrium. Eq. Yr. = 41
(0) TWS is in equilibrium. Eq. Yr. = 1
(0) WARNING: H2OSNO is NOT in equilibrium or is missing
(0) FATAL: Not enough of the land surface is in equilibrium ( 44.34% > 3.00%)
(0) FATAL: Your simulation is not in equilibrium, 8 hours have been deducted from your PTO bank, try again
(0) =======================================================================
(0) =========================================
(0) Finish Time: 2023年 02月 08日 星期三 00:28:18 CST
(0) =========================================

When I set the subper = 40,there is no document generation

Copyright (C) 1995-2019 - All Rights Reserved
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
NCAR Command Language Version 6.6.2
The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
See for more details.
(0) =========================================
(0) Start Time: 2023年 02月 08日 星期三 00:29:27 CST
(0) =========================================
fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0
fatal:An error occurred reading landarea_noequil
fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 295 in file SpinupStability_v10.ncl

In this case I set the 200 years AD_spin up, Did I complete the AD_spin up process incorrectly?


  • AD_spin up result.png
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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
It looks like your first run of the script completed successfully. However, it's not picking up all 200 years of your run. I expect that is because you aren't setting data_dir to your case archive directory, instead it is set to the run directory. You should set it to $path_to_your_archive_directory/$caseid/lnd/hist.
subper should be set to the number of years that the atmospheric forcing is looping over (20?).

Li Ming

Li Ming
It looks like your first run of the script completed successfully. However, it's not picking up all 200 years of your run. I expect that is because you aren't setting data_dir to your case archive directory, instead it is set to the run directory. You should set it to $path_to_your_archive_directory/$caseid/lnd/hist.
subper should be set to the number of years that the atmospheric forcing is looping over (20?).
Thanks for your answer, I checked the $path_to_your_archive_directory/$caseid/lnd/hist but in this path there have no caseid and other documents. whether I use CLM5.0 or CLM5.035 to implement the AD_spin up process, but In the ~/clm5.0/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_machines.xml, DOUT_S_ROOT setting is right, I'm confused about this.


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Li Ming

Li Ming
I would like to use CLM5.0 to implement the simulation of NPP 1970-2014, here is my process, I am not sure if it is correct, all suggestions are welcome.
First I created case11, using 1969 GSWP3 data to complete the 200 year AD_spin up, here is the setup process, the results and parameter setup file I will put at the end of the article

cd /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5.0/cime/scripts

./create_newcase --case test11 --res f09_g16 --compset 1850_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV --compiler intel --mach myintel --run-unsupported

cd test11


./xmlchange RESUBMIT=3

./xmlchange STOP_N=50

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears

./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START=1969

./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=1969




last run this case

Next I create case12 to complete the 300 year final_spin up using 1969 data.

cd /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5.0/cime/scripts

./create_newcase --case test12 --res f09_g16 --compset 1850_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV --compiler intel --mach myintel --run-unsupported

cd test12

cp /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/test11/run/ /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5.0/cime/scripts/test12

cp /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/test11/run/rpointer.atm rpointer.drv /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5.0/cime/scripts/test12

echo ' finidat = "/gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5.0/cime/scripts/test12/"' > user_nl_clm

./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=startup

./xmlchange RESUBMIT=5

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears

./xmlchange STOP_N=50

./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START=1969

./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=1969




last run this case

Finally I create case-npp2 and complete the simulation using 1970-2014 data.

./create_newcase --case npp2 --res f09_g16 --compset 1850_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV --compiler intel --mach myintel --run-unsupported

cd npp2

cp /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/test12/run/ /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5.0/cime/scripts/npp2

cp /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/test12/run/rpointer.atm rpointer.drv /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5.0/cime/scripts/npp2

echo ' finidat = "/gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5.0/cime/scripts/npp2/"' > user_nl_clm

vim user_nl_clm

hist_fincl1 = 'GPP', 'NPP'
hist_fincl2 = 'NEE', 'NEP'
hist_nhtfrq = 0
hist_mfilt = 12

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears

./xmlchange STOP_N=45

./xmlchange HIST_OPTION=nmonths

./xmlchange HIST_N=1

./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START=1970

./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=2014




last run this case

In the result hist_fincl1 = 'GPP', 'NPP' is set, but only has 'NEE', 'NEP' and does not h2 file is generated. I checked and the GPP and NPP are severely undersized or even close to 0
I understand that I have many mistakes and look forward to your reply


    588.3 KB · Views: 10


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Regarding the short-term archiver question, you can look at the CaseStatus file in your case directory to see if your history files were archived correctly. You should see something like this:

2022-08-20 01:50:46: st_archive starting
2022-08-20 01:51:07: st_archive success

If it was not successful, look in your case directory for a standard output file similar to this:


where b.e213.BSSP585.SSP5_DU_Gao.001 was the case name for my specific simulation. There should be some information in there on possible errors and the path where the files are being placed.

Also, normally the archiver leaves just the most recent history file in the run directory, but I see three *h0* files in there, which might indicate a problem.

I will look at your latest post later.

Li Ming

Li Ming
Hi Keith,
I followed the instructions and found the CaseStatus file, but I still can't find where the archived file is, in this path /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/archive/ there have no test11 which I created. what should I do? And I’m looking forward to your comments on the process of simulating NPP.


  • CaseStatus.txt
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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The CaseStatus file stops at successful completion of the build, but doesn't have any indication of the model having actually run, which is odd. If you can't find the files you'll have to rerun the simulation. I would do an initial short run for the AD spinup, for example, for one year to get one annual average history file, to make sure the archiving is working correctly.

Regarding the NPP simulations, it looks like you have used the 1850 compset for the two spinups but are using year 1969 for atmospheric forcing. The 1850 compset is going to give you 1850 conditions in terms of surface data, and other forcing data such as nitrogen deposition, CO2, etc. The combination of that with 1969 atmospheric forcing is probably not going to give you a reasonable initial file to initialize your 1970-2014 simulation. Furthermore, it looks like you are using the 1850 compset to do your 1970-2014 simulation.

Typically, we use the 1850 compset to do an AD spinup (where the atmospheric forcing comes out of the box as looping over 1901-1920 since 1901 is the earliest year for which we have forcing) and a post-AD spinup. Then we use the resulting initial file and the "HIST" compset to run a transient simulation for 1850-2014. Then you could analyze 1970-2014.

On the other hand, that process involves a lot of model years to simulate. If you aren't making any changes to the model, then perhaps you can analyze existing simulations that have been released with CLM5:

A few other things:
1) I believe HIST_OPTION and HIST_N are for driver history output, I don't think you need to set those.
2) I'm not sure what you intend with this setting:

hist_fincl1 = 'GPP', 'NPP'
hist_fincl2 = 'NEE', 'NEP'
hist_nhtfrq = 0
hist_mfilt = 12

If, for example, you want monthly average GPP and NPP with 12 months per primary (h0) history file, and daily average NEE and NEP on a secondary history file (h1) with 365 daily values on each file, you'd do this:

hist_fincl1 = 'GPP', 'NPP'
hist_fincl2 = 'NEE', 'NEP'
hist_nhtfrq = 0,-24
hist_mfilt = 12,365

The "-24" indicates a daily (24 hour) average.
See here for a description of the hist_* namelist options:


Li Ming

Li Ming
Hello Keith,

Thanks for your reply. I set hist_fincl1 = 'GPP', 'NPP' want to monthly average GPP and NPP with 12 months per primary (h0) history file, and monthly average NEE and NEP on a secondary history file (h1) with 12months values on each file, now I understand how to set it, and I will use 1850compset to do AD_spin up and final spin up, then use the HIST compset to simulation 1970-2014. But I have some question:

①I tried the AD_spin up process again using CLM 5.0.35, but there is still no relevant case name in /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/archive/, how can I solve this, can I use the result file, for example under the path /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/ lmw/cesm/scratch/test-id/run/ to simulate the GPP spin up trend graph using the SpinupStability_v10.ncl tool?

②In test11 I used the atmospheric forcing data from 1969 for the 200 years AD_spin up process, but the 51st file in the result file is the end file, such as, I’m confused is this right? The main settings of my test11 are as follows

./xmlchange RESUBMIT=3
./xmlchange STOP_N=50
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START=1969
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=1969

③In other post I saw other researchers set hist_fincl1="GPP,NPP" in AD_spin up process, I want to understand if this is necessary, can I finish all the spin up process first and then set these in the simulation 1970-2014NPP?

④When running the model I tried to . /case.submit after ./case.setup and . /, but the server reports an XML-related error and I don't have permission to install XML, so I go to the result path /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/case-id/run/ and use mkdir timing/checkpoints -p to create timing folder, execute mpirun -np 20 /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/case-id/bld/cesm.exe, the program can run the results normally, will this affect the intermediate files?


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Li Ming

Li Ming
By the way, This is another error I just got from executing . /case.submit to report another error.


  • case-submit.png
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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Regarding your last post on case.submit, those are just warnings and are typical, so no problem there.

1) I don't know what could be wrong with the archiving for that case, especially since your last post show normal archiving taking place for your 1824clm50 case. However, you can use the results in the run directory to run the spinup script on.

2) First of all I wouldn't use atmospheric year 1969 to spinup the model up for 1850. I would use the 1901-1920 forcing I alluded to earlier. And then do a full transient 1850-2014.
For this particular case it doesn't look like the model resubmitted for the second 50 year segment of the simulation (and the third) since you only have the 0051 file in your run directory. There could have been an error at the end of the first segment. I would look at your log files, e.g., the cesm log file, to see if the first segment of the simulation finished properly. The fact that the log files in your run directory are still there and not "zipped" (they would have a ".gz" appended to the file name) makes me think the model didn't finish correctly. If there wasn't an error, then the second segment probably didn't submit because the archiving didn't work. As I mentioned previously, there should be some output in your case directory to tell you why the archiving didn't work. I wonder if you are running out of disc space? Does your home directory have enough space to hold all of the model output? Usually, DOUT_S_ROOT is set to some scratch disc that has a lot of space. It seems possible that your DOUT_S_ROOT should be set to $ENV{HOME}/cesm/scratch/archive/$CASE, not $ENV{HOME}/cesm/archive/$CASE?

3) You don't necessarily need to set those variables for the spinup. The AD mode spinup is designed by default to output yearly averages of the key variables needed to run the spinup script.

4) It would be preferable to be able to run the model using the provided infrastructure, i.e., using ./case.submit. I don't know for sure if your results are valid using the process you describe, although offhand I don't see why they wouldn't be.

Li Ming

Li Ming
Hello Keith,

Thanks for your reply. I want to upload a log file but it's too big to upload, is there another way, such as Email to upload it?. I don't have an archive folder under $ENV{HOME}/cesm/archive/$CASE, The server has enough space and I'm sure that won't be a limiting factor. I think I need to run the program with ./case.submit, but an error will be reported.

I have another question, If I use the 1850 compset for the two spinups and use year 1901-1920 for atmospheric forcing, can I use the resulting initial file and the "HIST" compset to run a simulation for 1970-2014, or is it more accurate to use the "HIST" compset to run a simulation for 1850-2014?

Thanks in advance.


  • scratch.png
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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
It's much better to run 1850-2014 since the initial file will be appropriate for 1850.


Thankyou for your reply, I made the change by referring to the instructions, but I'm not sure if it worked. When I set the subper = 20, The program generates file and this is the result. Did my program succeed?

Copyright (C) 1995-2019 - All Rights Reserved
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
NCAR Command Language Version 6.6.2
The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
See for more details.
(0) =========================================
(0) Start Time: 2023年 02月 08日 星期三 00:28:17 CST
(0) =========================================
warning:["CoordArrays.c":590]:No Valid values in Array, unable to compute Min or Max
warning:["CoordArrays.c":590]:No Valid values in Array, unable to compute Min or Max
(0) =======================================================================
(0) =======================================================================
(0) =======================================================================
(0) FATAL: TOTECOSYSC is NOT in equilibrium
(0) FATAL: TOTSOMC is NOT in equilibrium
(0) FATAL: TOTVEGC is NOT in equilibrium
(0) TLAI is in equilibrium. Eq. Yr. = 1
(0) GPP is in equilibrium. Eq. Yr. = 41
(0) TWS is in equilibrium. Eq. Yr. = 1
(0) WARNING: H2OSNO is NOT in equilibrium or is missing
(0) FATAL: Not enough of the land surface is in equilibrium ( 44.34% > 3.00%)
(0) FATAL: Your simulation is not in equilibrium, 8 hours have been deducted from your PTO bank, try again
(0) =======================================================================
(0) =========================================
(0) Finish Time: 2023年 02月 08日 星期三 00:28:18 CST
(0) =========================================

When I set the subper = 40,there is no document generation

Copyright (C) 1995-2019 - All Rights Reserved
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
NCAR Command Language Version 6.6.2
The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
See for more details.
(0) =========================================
(0) Start Time: 2023年 02月 08日 星期三 00:29:27 CST
(0) =========================================
fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0
fatal:An error occurred reading landarea_noequil
fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 295 in file SpinupStability_v10.ncl

In this case I set the 200 years AD_spin up, Did I complete the AD_spin up process incorrectly?
Hi,Li!I want to use the SpinupStability.ncl to evalute the balance recently. But I am a fresh man to the ncl script. I want to ask where can i fidn the file in the picture as below:


That script should be in that directory in recent versions of the model, e.g., release-cesm2.1.3. On the other hand the version there is probably out of date, we don't update those tools regularly enough. I've attached the most recent version of the script. There are instructions within the script on how to run it. But post here if you run into problems.
I can't find the oleson/lnd_diag/run/contributed.ncl, but i find some answer in this link. May be I should change the contributed.ncl path to "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"? Is that right?


HE Yanfeng
New Member
The CaseStatus file stops at successful completion of the build, but doesn't have any indication of the model having actually run, which is odd. If you can't find the files you'll have to rerun the simulation. I would do an initial short run for the AD spinup, for example, for one year to get one annual average history file, to make sure the archiving is working correctly.

Regarding the NPP simulations, it looks like you have used the 1850 compset for the two spinups but are using year 1969 for atmospheric forcing. The 1850 compset is going to give you 1850 conditions in terms of surface data, and other forcing data such as nitrogen deposition, CO2, etc. The combination of that with 1969 atmospheric forcing is probably not going to give you a reasonable initial file to initialize your 1970-2014 simulation. Furthermore, it looks like you are using the 1850 compset to do your 1970-2014 simulation.

Typically, we use the 1850 compset to do an AD spinup (where the atmospheric forcing comes out of the box as looping over 1901-1920 since 1901 is the earliest year for which we have forcing) and a post-AD spinup. Then we use the resulting initial file and the "HIST" compset to run a transient simulation for 1850-2014. Then you could analyze 1970-2014.

On the other hand, that process involves a lot of model years to simulate. If you aren't making any changes to the model, then perhaps you can analyze existing simulations that have been released with CLM5:

A few other things:
1) I believe HIST_OPTION and HIST_N are for driver history output, I don't think you need to set those.
2) I'm not sure what you intend with this setting:

hist_fincl1 = 'GPP', 'NPP'
hist_fincl2 = 'NEE', 'NEP'
hist_nhtfrq = 0
hist_mfilt = 12

If, for example, you want monthly average GPP and NPP with 12 months per primary (h0) history file, and daily average NEE and NEP on a secondary history file (h1) with 365 daily values on each file, you'd do this:

hist_fincl1 = 'GPP', 'NPP'
hist_fincl2 = 'NEE', 'NEP'
hist_nhtfrq = 0,-24
hist_mfilt = 12,365

The "-24" indicates a daily (24 hour) average.
See here for a description of the hist_* namelist options:

Dear Dr. Keith Oleson

I have quoted your message and hightlighted a paragraph by using bold orange (this is exactly what I want to do).
I have two questions.
Q1, I tried to spin up the model but only executed a 10-years run for test, I faced a problem when using SpinupStability_v10.ncl:

./create_newcase --case I1850Clm50BgcCrop_spinup_01 --res f19_g17 --compset  I1850Clm50BgcCrop  --run-unsupported
cd I1850Clm50BgcCrop_spinup_01
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION='nyears'
./xmlchange STOP_N=10
./xmlchange REST_N=1
./xmlchange REST_OPTION='nyears'
I added the following items to user_nl_clm


This simulation completed succesfully, and here is the CaseStatus:
2023-11-01 22:32:10: success
2023-11-01 22:32:58: case.submit starting
2023-11-01 22:48:06: case.submit error
ERROR: Could not find all inputdata on any server
2023-11-02 17:03:47: case.submit starting
2023-11-02 17:03:57: starting
2023-11-02 17:04:01: model execution starting
2023-11-04 09:26:09: model execution success
2023-11-04 09:26:09: success
2023-11-04 09:26:11: st_archive starting
2023-11-04 09:27:31: st_archive success
2023-11-04 09:27:31: case.submit error
ERROR: No result from jobs [('', None), ('case.st_archive', ' or case.test')]

When I tried to run SpinupStability_v10.ncl (attached), firstly, I set annual_hist = False, I got the following errors:
fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0
fatal:An error occurred reading fls
fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 93 in file SpinupStability_v10.ncl

Then I tried to set annual_hist = True, I got the following errors:
fatal:conform_dims: the dimension sizes of the second argument do not match those indicated by the third argument
fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 222 in file SpinupStability_v10.ncl

I wonder how to solve this error? I know the .ncl script is designed for hist_mfilt=1, if is it possible to revise the .ncl script to make it possible for handling hist_mfilt=12 ?

Q2, as I mentioned above, I want to conduct the 1850-2014 transient simulation by using I1850Clm50BgcCrop compset. However, it will take me a long time for model spin-up. I wonder if the spun up restart file (already in equilibrium) is provided somewhere or anyone can provide the prepared restart file?

I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with any information.


  • SpinupStability_v10.ncl.txt
    33.2 KB · Views: 2


Staff member
For Q1, I suggest that you try it, i.e. modify the .ncl script to do what you want. Otherwise, rerun with hist_mfilt = 1.

For Q2, you will find that we provide default initial condition files when you set up your simulation. That is the extent of what we offer, unfortunately.
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