Hello, I am also curious about your first question. If I want to run from 2005-2020, should I set the RUN_STARTDATE=2005-01-01 OR RUN_STARTDATE=2006-01-01? In other words, if I set the RUN_STARTDATE=2005-01-01, the model's simulation result that I can use is 2005-2020 OR 2006-2020? Thanks for your help!
tells the model what year to start in, and transient runs will use the model year for forcing data. So setting RUN_STARTDATE=2005-01-01
and running for 16 years will use forcing from January 2005 through December 2020. However, the model state is initialized based on the contents of the rpointer
files, so if they point to restart files from a previous run that went through 2005 there will be a small inconsistency because you will be starting with a model state from 2006. I say "small inconsistency" because I would be surprised if there was a big difference between 2005 and 2006 restart files.Hey, I am interested to know about the run type as you discussed. If I am selecting the compset B_RCP8.5_CAM5_CN and giving the GET Reference case as false and Run type as Startup. Where will the model start? Is the model starts from a Cold Start?
I believe the default initial conditions for most models are spin-up to equilibrium using the pre-industrial forcing, so a reasonable estimate for 1850. You might want to ask this question in the model-specific forums, though: CAM (atmosphere), CLM (land), CICE (sea-ice), POP (ocean)