I want to use a LAI with interannual variability (1980-2020) in the model. From previous posts, I roughly understand that lai_streams can be used to achieve this, but I still have some doubts that I hope you can help me clarify. The compset I am using is FHIST (HIST_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV).
Q1: If I set use_lai_streams = .true., should I set do_transient_crops and do_transient_pfts to .false.?
Q2: The default time range in the LAI streams file is 2001-2013. If I want to use LAI data beyond this time range, do I just need to change the time dimension in this file? Or do I also need to modify some code in SatellitePhenologyMod.F90 to ensure the model reads it correctly?
Q3: The publicly available LAI data is TLAI, which does not have a PFT dimension. I am considering using the PCT_CFT, PCT_CROP, PCT_NAT_PFT, and PCT_NATVEG values from the surfdata to obtain the proportion of each PFT and calculate the LAI value for each PFT in the LAI streams. Is this approach feasible?
Q1: If I set use_lai_streams = .true., should I set do_transient_crops and do_transient_pfts to .false.?
Q2: The default time range in the LAI streams file is 2001-2013. If I want to use LAI data beyond this time range, do I just need to change the time dimension in this file? Or do I also need to modify some code in SatellitePhenologyMod.F90 to ensure the model reads it correctly?
Q3: The publicly available LAI data is TLAI, which does not have a PFT dimension. I am considering using the PCT_CFT, PCT_CROP, PCT_NAT_PFT, and PCT_NATVEG values from the surfdata to obtain the proportion of each PFT and calculate the LAI value for each PFT in the LAI streams. Is this approach feasible?