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rad_cnst_init: checking for radiative constituents ERROR: list_init2 ERROR: cannot find constituent field O3


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am running simulations to calculate aerosol-cloud interaction. Error appeared shortly after the simulation started to run. Tail of atm.log:

bulk_props_init: finished for SULFATE
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/
bulk_props_init: finished for OCPHO
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/
bulk_props_init: finished for OCPHI
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/
bulk_props_init: finished for BCPHO
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/
bulk_props_init: finished for DUST4
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using
bulk_props_init: finished for SSAM
rad_cnst_init: checking for radiative constituents
ERROR: list_init2 ERROR: cannot find constituent field O3

The parts about O3 or chemistry in my scripts are probably:

./xmlchange -file env_build.xml -id CAM_CONFIG_OPTS -val '-phys cam6 -chem trop_mam4 -offline_dyn -nlev 56'

rad_diag_1 = 'A:Q:H2O', 'N:O2:O2', 'N:CO2:CO2', 'A:O3:O3', 'N:N2O:N2O', 'N:CH4:CH4', 'N:CFC11:CFC11', 'N:CFC12:CFC12',

Does anyone know about this issue? Now I changed the 'A:O3:O3' to 'N:ozone:O3' as in the user manual and submitted a new try. Not sure if it will work.
BTW, if I just want to start a run for, like 3 days, to test my codes and settings, is there a way to avoid the LONG waiting time on Cheyenne? What I did is set wall time to 30min and use a premium queue just for testing.

Thank you!
Best regards,


Bill Sacks
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Please post this to the atmosphere forums with all of the information requested here:

Regarding your final question: setting walltime and the premium queue are good strategies. If you still experience long queue wait times, another thing you can do is to use fewer processors (by changing the various NTASKS xml variables; see also 5. Controlling processors and threads — CIME master documentation).