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Reading new input file causes crash somewhere else?


Sam Rabin
My code is crashing without a useful error message or debugging output (see here). I added a bunch of print statements to try and figure out where it's crashing, and then when that didn't help, I started commenting out bits of my new code. I've determined that the call of dshr_fldbun_getFldPtr here is causing the crash, but NOT when it's actually called. I know this because the crashing process always enters and exits the function in question successfully. The crash happens… somewhere else.

Annoyingly, I have also determined that it's not actually the use of the read-in values that's causing the problem, as the crash occurs even when I ignore crop_inst%rx_cultivar_gdds_thisyr and use the previous CLM code that I had been trying to replace.

Does anyone see any obvious problems with what I'm doing here? This is with ESMF, in case it matters.

lsize = bounds%endg - bounds%begg + 1
allocate(dataptr2d_cultivar_gdds(lsize, ncft))
if (.not. generate_crop_gdds) then
    ! Read prescribed cultivar GDDs from input files
    ! Starting with npcropmin will skip generic crops
    do n = 1, ncft
       call dshr_fldbun_getFldPtr(sdat_cropcal_cultivar_gdds%pstrm(1)%fldbun_model, trim(stream_varnames_cultivar_gdds(n)), &
            fldptr1=dataptr1d_cultivar_gdds,  rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, line=__LINE__, file=__FILE__)) then
          call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
       end if
       ! Note that the size of dataptr1d includes ocean points so it will be around 3x larger than lsize
       ! So an explicit loop is required here
       do g = 1,lsize
          dataptr2d_cultivar_gdds(g,n) = dataptr1d_cultivar_gdds(g)
       end do
    end do

    ! Set rx_cultivar_gdd for each gridcell/patch combination
    do fp = 1, num_pcropp
       p = filter_pcropp(fp)
       ivt = patch%itype(p)
       ! Will skip generic crops
       if (ivt >= npcropmin) then
          n = ivt - npcropmin + 1
          ig = g_to_ig(patch%gridcell(p))
          crop_inst%rx_cultivar_gdds_thisyr(p,1) = dataptr2d_cultivar_gdds(ig,n)
    end do
end if ! not generate_crop_gdds



Sam Rabin
Oh, and the crash is a segmentation fault:

71:MPT ERROR: Rank 71(g:71) received signal SIGSEGV(11).
71:     Process ID: 1962, Host: r6i5n13, Program: /glade/scratch/samrabin/f10_f10_mg37_debug/bld/cesm.exe
71:     MPT Version: HPE MPT 2.22  03/31/20 15:59:10
71:MPT: --------stack traceback-------
71:MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
71:MPT: On host r6i5n13, Program /glade/scratch/samrabin/f10_f10_mg37_debug/bld/cesm.exe, Rank 71, Process 1962: Dumping core on signal SIGSEGV(11) into directory /glade/scratch/samrabin/f10_f10_mg37_debug/run


Sam Rabin
Hmm, okay, a bit of additional testing suggests my input file might have a problem—I tried with a different file and it worked fine past the previously problematic timestep… until the end of the run, when it crashed with a segfault again.


Sam Rabin
Alright, it looks like the problem was allocating/deallocating the 1d array. I removed that and now it works!