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Reg. OM4_025 initial condition


Afroosa Balkies
New Member
Dear MOM6 community,

I'm trying to run the OM4_025 configuration from the MOM6 package. This configuration employs a hybrid vertical coordinate system (hycom1 75 The model is run with the NCAR climatological forcings provided with the configuration.

The below image shows the comparison of Potential temperature at x=90E and y=30S : 10N for one timestep.
Figure a depicts the potential temperature from WOA13, which is used as the model's initial condition. Figure b represents the potential temperature from the MOM file generated after running the model for a day.

Compared to Figure a, the variability in figure b appears to be constrained to 100m. Why does this happen?
It appears that the model is unable to correctly interpolate the vertical grid of WOA13 climatology to the hybrid grid. Can anybody point me out where to look at for resolving this problem?


Gustavo Marques
Staff member
Perhaps you have a plotting issue. The vertical grid in Figure b should be represented using variable "eta" (Interface heights) from Also, file is the initial condition and not the state after one day.