@lucia , you wouldn't need a 1000 cases if you did an in-case branch or hybrid restart each time. But that can be complicated, error prone, and reduces the nice documentation that each case directory gives for your experiments. At any rate, I think
@slevis agrees with me that hard-coding your values is likely easier than trying to change the stream files. I'm going to move this thread into the CLM board to hopefully get input from CLM experts, but here's my general thinking. This atmch4 variable is only used in one file in CLM: ch4Mod.F90. This module includes the get_nstep function already, so we should be able to calculate the current time step. Here's what I would try first. Make the "atmch4" parameter of the params_type an array. In the readParams function, where the code looks like:
instead set params_inst to your hard-coded array of values. Something like:
Then, each place where params_inst%atmch4 is accessed, instead you will need to calculate the year index like:
iYr = floor(get_nstep()/17520.0_r8)
where 17520 is the number of 30 minute time steps in a 365 day year. If your time step is different, you may need a different number there.
Then access the array like:
And you're done!