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Representing dynamic prognostic crops in CLM4.5


New Member
What version of the code are you using?

CESM1.2, CLM4.5

Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Overwrite the error checks in clm_varctl.F90 and surfrdMod.F90 that arise due to the combined use of crop_prog and fpftdyn.

Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
I have created a standalone dynamic LULC case with the crop module using CLM4.5. Since CLM4.5 doesn't natively support dynamic prognostic crops, I disabled the error checks in clm_varctl.F90 and surfrdMod.F90 as an initial step. The surface file I'm using has only one crop PFT set to 98 (lat 83.4, long 335.0, last land grid cell for 1D mapping), with all others set to zero. However, during simulation, the weightsOkay function returns the following error for most land columns:

checkWeights ERROR: at c = 10 total PFT weight is NaN active_only = F

With fixed LULC reference case, the model runs fine using the same surface file. What would be the best way to handle this error?


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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
We don't support cesm1.2 anymore unfortunately. However, there are some CLM45 transient compsets available in release-cesm2.1.5. For example, IHistClm45BgcCrop.