I am having some trouble running CESM on Derecho and could use some advice.
So far, I have done the following in my home directory
git clone GitHub - ESCOMP/CESM: The Community Earth System Model my_cesm_sandbox
cd my_cesm_sandbox
git checkout cesm2_3_beta15
cd cime/scripts
I then received the following error message
ERROR: Could not initialize machine object from /glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/ccs_config/machines/config_machines.xml. This machine is not available for the target CIME_MODEL.
I've also tried the script 'create_newcase' a couple of times with different compsets and grids, always specifying --machine derecho. I then will get an output as follows
cime/scripts> ./create_newcase --case ./test --compset B1850 --res T31_g37 --mach derecho
Compset specification file is /glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/cime_config/config_compsets.xml
Automatically adding SESP to compset
Compset forcing is 1850
Com forcing is Biogeochemistry intercomponent with diagnostic CO2
ATM component is CAM cam6 physics:
LND component is clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
ICE component is Sea ICE (cice) model version 6
OCN component is POP2 Ecosystem
ROF component is MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
GLC component is cism2:include non-evolving Greenland Ice Sheet:
WAV component is Wave Watch
ESP component is Stub external system processing (ESP) component
Pes specification file is /glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/cime_config/config_pes.xml
Compset specific settings: name is RUN_STARTDATE and value is 0001-01-01
ERROR: No machine derecho found
Any advice would be appreciated!
I am having some trouble running CESM on Derecho and could use some advice.
So far, I have done the following in my home directory
git clone GitHub - ESCOMP/CESM: The Community Earth System Model my_cesm_sandbox
cd my_cesm_sandbox
git checkout cesm2_3_beta15
cd cime/scripts
I then received the following error message
ERROR: Could not initialize machine object from /glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/ccs_config/machines/config_machines.xml. This machine is not available for the target CIME_MODEL.
I've also tried the script 'create_newcase' a couple of times with different compsets and grids, always specifying --machine derecho. I then will get an output as follows
cime/scripts> ./create_newcase --case ./test --compset B1850 --res T31_g37 --mach derecho
Compset specification file is /glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/cime_config/config_compsets.xml
Automatically adding SESP to compset
Compset forcing is 1850
Com forcing is Biogeochemistry intercomponent with diagnostic CO2
ATM component is CAM cam6 physics:
LND component is clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop:
ICE component is Sea ICE (cice) model version 6
OCN component is POP2 Ecosystem
ROF component is MOSART: MOdel for Scale Adaptive River Transport
GLC component is cism2:include non-evolving Greenland Ice Sheet:
WAV component is Wave Watch
ESP component is Stub external system processing (ESP) component
Pes specification file is /glade/u/home/cpersch/my_cesm_sandbox/cime_config/config_pes.xml
Compset specific settings: name is RUN_STARTDATE and value is 0001-01-01
ERROR: No machine derecho found
Any advice would be appreciated!