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Running CLM5 and DATM in different resolutions


Christian Poppe
New Member
Dear colleagues
I am running CLM5 in a 3 km resolution regionally over the EU-CORDEX domain. Thus far, our model worked with forcings that we downscaled to this 3km EU-CORDEX grid without problems. Now, I need to run the same clm5 model but with 12 km resolved forcings (over the same domain). I created a new domain file that matches the 12 km grid of the forcings, passed it to the model as ATM_DOMAIN_FILE, and specified it also in the stream files. I thought that CLM5 could interpolate the forcings (with the "mapalgo"). Unfortunately, I get an error:
(prep_atm_init) : Initializing mapper_Fl2a
(seq_map_init_rcfile) called for mapper_Fl2a initialization
(seq_map_gsmapcheck)gsmap global sizes different 2458048 174688
ERROR: (seq_map_gsmapcheck) different gsmap size
Is there any way to make this work?
Best regards


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Staff member
Interesting. So I think you're saying that you kept the DATM inputs at 3-km resolution and expected the model to interpolate them to the 12-km simulation, right?

I know that DATM can read global inputs into regional or point simulations. If your case doesn't work, then I wonder whether
1) DATM cannot read from one region and interpolate to another region (i.e. maybe it can only read global to regional) AND/OR
2) DATM cannot read higher resolution inputs and use them in lower resolution simulations.

Others who know more about this will have to chime in. If you do not get other feedback here, you may wish to post this question in the "data models" forum.


Christian Poppe
New Member
Thanks for your reply! It's the other way around. The CLM5 simulation is kept at 3 km, but the DATM inputs are now 12 km. So, your point number 2) does not apply.

From the log files, I understand that the coupler is checking if the two grids are the same (same grid = True), and it assumes they are because both grids have the same custom name, "CLM_USRDAT." If I change one of the grids to, say, "CLM_USRDAT1", then, during the building of the case, I am asked for a mapping file between these. I assume there is another setting where I would trigger the interpolation of the DATM inputs during the simulation. Still, I cannot find the correct configuration or your point 1) applies.

I would appreciate more input, or I will repost this to the data models forum.