Dear colleagues
I am running CLM5 in a 3 km resolution regionally over the EU-CORDEX domain. Thus far, our model worked with forcings that we downscaled to this 3km EU-CORDEX grid without problems. Now, I need to run the same clm5 model but with 12 km resolved forcings (over the same domain). I created a new domain file that matches the 12 km grid of the forcings, passed it to the model as ATM_DOMAIN_FILE, and specified it also in the stream files. I thought that CLM5 could interpolate the forcings (with the "mapalgo"). Unfortunately, I get an error:
Best regards
I am running CLM5 in a 3 km resolution regionally over the EU-CORDEX domain. Thus far, our model worked with forcings that we downscaled to this 3km EU-CORDEX grid without problems. Now, I need to run the same clm5 model but with 12 km resolved forcings (over the same domain). I created a new domain file that matches the 12 km grid of the forcings, passed it to the model as ATM_DOMAIN_FILE, and specified it also in the stream files. I thought that CLM5 could interpolate the forcings (with the "mapalgo"). Unfortunately, I get an error:
Is there any way to make this work?(prep_atm_init) : Initializing mapper_Fl2a
(seq_map_init_rcfile) called for mapper_Fl2a initialization
(seq_map_gsmapcheck)gsmap global sizes different 2458048 174688
ERROR: (seq_map_gsmapcheck) different gsmap size
Best regards
atm.log.13427373.250123-123902.txt11.8 KB · Views: 1
cesm.log.13427373.250123-123902.txt936.3 KB · Views: 1
cpl.log.13427373.250123-123902.txt46.7 KB · Views: 1
datm.streams.txt.CLMCRUNCEPv7.Precip.txt781 bytes · Views: 1
datm.streams.txt.CLMCRUNCEPv7.Solar.txt780 bytes · Views: 1
datm.streams.txt.CLMCRUNCEPv7.TPQW.txt847 bytes · Views: 1
datm_in.txt1.4 KB · Views: 1
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lnd.log.13427373.250123-123902.txt121.3 KB · Views: 1
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