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running problems with dust bins

Hi guys,

I want to have sulfates to CAM3.0. I had made a simple configuration and a problem arised with , ENDRUN:ADDFLD:MDUST1_V already on list, with dust bins. The problem stil exists even if I put out MDUST1_V from the namelist.

Any suggestions...

Thanks in advance


Rich Neale
CAM Project Scientist
Staff member
I am not sure what you are trying to do but sulphate is included as a radiatively active prescribed species independent of the 4 dust species sizes
Hi Rich,

as you can see, I explained in Post adding variables, aerosols nik1978 I want to Prognose them (so they are advected around, added and remove from the atmosphere) with top target purpose to have concentrations in several pressure levels for as many different kind of aerosols. Please see the question, and the namelist that I used. The question now is how we will configure all aerosols or at least sulfates?


Rich Neale
CAM Project Scientist
Staff member
You need to set all the namelist flags to make particular aerosols prognostic
AERO_CARBON = .true.
AERO_SEA_SALT = .true.
PROGNOSTIC SULFUR = off/passive/direct

I think you also need to add one to the value of nadv in the configure command for each tracer added
./configure -nadv=
This is true if you turn on prognosed greenhouse gases, but I can't quite remember for extra prognostics
Anyway check ou the cam documentation for more details
Hi Rich,

I made this configuration option (./configure -nadv -4(3+1) -cam_bld "full path_bld directory").The configuration was ok but when I made make clean and gmake to the building directory 2 errors occured

-I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/bld/esmf/mod/modO/linux_pgi -I/usr/local/lib -r8 -i4 -DCAM -DNO_SHR_VMATH -DHIDE_SHR_MSG -DLINUX -Mdalign -Mextend -DPGF90 -byteswapio -O2 -DHIDE_MPI /mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/eul/inidat.F90
PGF90-W-0435-Array declared with zero size (/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/eul/inidat.F90: 981)
0 inform, 1 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for read_inidat
pgf90 -c -Mfree -I. -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/physics/cam1 -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/eul -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/control -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/csm_share/shr -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/utils -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/utils/timing -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/advection/slt -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/ocnsice/dom -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/lnd/clm2/src/main -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/lnd/clm2/src/biogeophys -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/lnd/clm2/src/biogeochem -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/lnd/clm2/src/mksrfdata -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/lnd/clm2/src/riverroute -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/ice/csim4 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/bld/esmf/mod/modO/linux_pgi -I/usr/local/lib -r8 -i4 -DCAM -DNO_SHR_VMATH -DHIDE_SHR_MSG -DLINUX -Mdalign -Mextend -DPGF90 -byteswapio -O2 -DHIDE_MPI /mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/eul/inital.F90
Lowering Error: unexpected symbol type alias(23)
PGF90-F-0000-Internal compiler error. Errors in Lowering 1 (/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/eul/inital.F90: 126)
PGF90/any Linux/x86 5.2-4: compilation aborted
gmake: *** [inital.o] Error 2

What is wrong with the configuration options?




Rich Neale
CAM Project Scientist
Staff member
Something has been declared with zero size that cannot be decremented by 1 in the
second error. What is trying to be done in the routines at the line numbers indicated and does this compile
ok when -nadv is set to the default value?
I searched it and I found that with this configuration options there is a difficulty to read the initial data. In /mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3/cam1/models/atm/cam/src/dynamics/eul/inital.F90: 126 the code line is like this ps(:,:,n)=ps(:,:,1) and it has a loop in there :

! Recover space used for ALP and DALP arrays
! (no longer needed after spectral truncations
! inside of read_inidat)
deallocate ( alp )
deallocate ( dalp )
! Make all time levels of prognostics contain identical data.
! Fields to be convectively adjusted only *require* n3 time
! level since copy gets done in linems.
do n=2,ptimelevels
ps(:,:,n) = ps(:,:,1) line 126
u3(:,:,:,n) = u3(:,:,:,1)
v3(:,:,:,n) = v3(:,:,:,1)
t3(:,:,:,n) = t3(:,:,:,1)
q3(i1:i1+plon-1,:,:,:,n) = q3(i1:i1+plon-1,:,:,:,1)
vort(:,:,:,n) = vort(:,:,:,1)
div(:,:,:,n) = div(:,:,:,1)
end do

As far as I know the deallocation procedure is the same and in RAMS that I used.

The problem must be in subroutine read_inidat(datatype) in module inidat (use inidat only read_inidat) I can not understand what exactly is the problem and can not read with this configuration the initial data.