HI, I recently added a logical namelist variable in to the group of phys_ctl_nl following the steps:
1. add the definition of the new namelist variable into the file namelist_definition.xml at the directory of components/cam/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
2. add the variable in the file phys_control.F90 with the initiation, read namelist, and mpi broadcast.
All the modifications work well when I run F2000climo compset, but when i move to the single column model compset, one error occurs during model building:
FSCAM_T42_T42_CESM2_drib1/bld/lib//libatm.a(phys_control.o): In function `phys_control_mp_phys_ctl_readnl_':
CESM_drib/components/cam/src/physics/cam/phys_control.F90:181: undefined reference to `mpibcast_'
The 181 line in phys_control.F90 is where I add the new variable broadcast:
call mpibcast(l_dribling_tend, 1, mpi_logical, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
I am wondering whether some other modifications are needed to make the new namelist variable work in the single column model.
Ps: the model version I run is CESM2.1.3, and the compile is inter/18.0.0, impi/2018.0. netcdf/4.6.2
the command line to create the single column is following the CAM6 user guide:
./create_newcase --case $CASEROOT --mach $MACH -q Regular --res $RESOLUTION --compset $COMPSET --user-mods-dir $CCSMROOT/components/cam/cime_config/usermods_dirs/scam_mandatory
Any suggestion?
Huiping Yan
1. add the definition of the new namelist variable into the file namelist_definition.xml at the directory of components/cam/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
2. add the variable in the file phys_control.F90 with the initiation, read namelist, and mpi broadcast.
All the modifications work well when I run F2000climo compset, but when i move to the single column model compset, one error occurs during model building:
FSCAM_T42_T42_CESM2_drib1/bld/lib//libatm.a(phys_control.o): In function `phys_control_mp_phys_ctl_readnl_':
CESM_drib/components/cam/src/physics/cam/phys_control.F90:181: undefined reference to `mpibcast_'
The 181 line in phys_control.F90 is where I add the new variable broadcast:
call mpibcast(l_dribling_tend, 1, mpi_logical, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
I am wondering whether some other modifications are needed to make the new namelist variable work in the single column model.
Ps: the model version I run is CESM2.1.3, and the compile is inter/18.0.0, impi/2018.0. netcdf/4.6.2
the command line to create the single column is following the CAM6 user guide:
./create_newcase --case $CASEROOT --mach $MACH -q Regular --res $RESOLUTION --compset $COMPSET --user-mods-dir $CCSMROOT/components/cam/cime_config/usermods_dirs/scam_mandatory
Any suggestion?
Huiping Yan