I am trying to modify the provided IOP files for a SCAM run, and I encounter an error when running SCAM with the modified files. I am able to run the original provided IOP files just fine. I added a modified copy of the forcing and initial condition files here: /opt/ncar/inputdata/atm/cam/scam/iop/. This is the location that the original files were stored in. To modify the files, I read the arm_95 forcing and initial condition files into a Jupyter Notebook using netcdf python functions, modified only the data, and re-saved them as new netcdf files with the same format. I also made a copy of the arm_95 usermods_dir directory here: /opt/ncar/cesm2/components/cam/cime_config/usermods_dirs. Insied the new directory in usermods_dir, I modified the ncdata and iopfile paths in user_nl_cam to point to the new files I generated in /opt/ncar/inputdata/atm/cam/scam/iop/. To run with the modified scripts, I used the provided create_scam6 script and changed only the iop name (I named the usermods_dir file using the same convention as the others so that it could be identified by an iopname). When I run the script, it hangs after a minute. Here is the last thing printed where it hangs (running verbosely):
02-28 19:34 CIME.utils INFO RUN: /opt/ncar/cesm2/components/cam/bld/build-namelist -ntasks 1 -csmdata /opt/ncar/inputdata -infile /home/scam/work/cases/arm95_0s.FSCAM.arm95_0s/Buildconf/camconf/namelist -ignore_ic_date -use_case scam_arm97 -inputdata /home/scam/work/cases/arm95_0s.FSCAM.arm95_0s/Buildconf/cam.input_data_list -namelist " &atmexp /"
Has anyone seen this before or run into any trouble modifying the provided IOPs?
Thanks in advance!
I am trying to modify the provided IOP files for a SCAM run, and I encounter an error when running SCAM with the modified files. I am able to run the original provided IOP files just fine. I added a modified copy of the forcing and initial condition files here: /opt/ncar/inputdata/atm/cam/scam/iop/. This is the location that the original files were stored in. To modify the files, I read the arm_95 forcing and initial condition files into a Jupyter Notebook using netcdf python functions, modified only the data, and re-saved them as new netcdf files with the same format. I also made a copy of the arm_95 usermods_dir directory here: /opt/ncar/cesm2/components/cam/cime_config/usermods_dirs. Insied the new directory in usermods_dir, I modified the ncdata and iopfile paths in user_nl_cam to point to the new files I generated in /opt/ncar/inputdata/atm/cam/scam/iop/. To run with the modified scripts, I used the provided create_scam6 script and changed only the iop name (I named the usermods_dir file using the same convention as the others so that it could be identified by an iopname). When I run the script, it hangs after a minute. Here is the last thing printed where it hangs (running verbosely):
02-28 19:34 CIME.utils INFO RUN: /opt/ncar/cesm2/components/cam/bld/build-namelist -ntasks 1 -csmdata /opt/ncar/inputdata -infile /home/scam/work/cases/arm95_0s.FSCAM.arm95_0s/Buildconf/camconf/namelist -ignore_ic_date -use_case scam_arm97 -inputdata /home/scam/work/cases/arm95_0s.FSCAM.arm95_0s/Buildconf/cam.input_data_list -namelist " &atmexp /"
Has anyone seen this before or run into any trouble modifying the provided IOPs?
Thanks in advance!