Sijia Chen
Hello everyone ,"Does anyone know what parameters in user_nl_clm can be adjusted to change the simulation of soil moisture and soil temperature?"
Dear slevis,dDo you know how to change coefficients like albedo, soil thermal conductivity, etc.? Do I have to modify the source code, or is there another way to modify them?You will likely find some namelist variables that affect your soil temperature and moisture simulations, but I do not think that you will find any that act directly on these variables. You could see most namelist variables in the file bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_ctsm.xml
Dear slevis,I want to conduct sensitivity experiments, such as changing the albedo to 0.6 times or 1.2 times the original value. Where should I adjust these values?You will likely find some namelist variables that affect your soil temperature and moisture simulations, but I do not think that you will find any that act directly on these variables. You could see most namelist variables in the file bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_ctsm.xml
OK,thank you .i will do itThe model calculates albedo from soil, plant, and snow characteristics, so you will have to familiarize yourself with the sections of code that do all that, and then modify the code. The User's Guide explains the code in detail, so reading the User's Guide first may be best.
Also I think you will find other Forum questions similar to yours, which may give insight into how other scientists approached this.