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Single site simulation: subdata failed

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Jinmu Luo

I want to create a single-site case in Cheyenne, when I subtract meteorology data it returned an error like that.

ERROR: File not found : /glade/p/cgd/tss/CTSM_datm_forcing_data/atm_forcing.datm7.GSWP3.0.5d.v1.c170516/Solar/

Case information here





./subset_data point --lat 42.06620 --lon 273.65425 --site mesocom --create-surface --create-datm --datm-syr 2000 --datm-eyr 2022 --create-user-mods --outdir ${SUBDATA}


Jinmu Luo
You would have to find/create your own forcing data.
Otherwise, it might be possible to run with "anomaly forcing" for a selected SSP:

I'm not sure we have instructions for a single site simulation however. I will ping someone who might know.
Hi Keith,

I have another error when I built my case, same setting, but I only change the "-datm-eyr 2022" to "-datm-eyr 2014", do you know how to fix this?


ERROR: Command /glade/u/home/jinmuluo/ctsm-fanv3-merges/bld/build-namelist failed rc=255


err=ERROR : CLM build-namelist::CLMBuildNamelist::add_default() : No default value found for fsurdat.

Are defaults provided for this resolution and land mask?


Will Wieder
You can see an example of an anomaly forced single point run here.


Notably you'll want to copy user_nl_datm and user_nl_datm_streams files and adjust the start and end years in the later you want to run with. You also may have to make some xml changes to get datm start and end years correctly. Then the model should cycle over the 2000-2014 datm data but then add anomaly forcing on top of the GSWP3 forcing.

It's also likely checking that ndep, CO2, etc to make sure they're also getting the right time series of input data for other fields. Finally, note this example also uses observed meterology from flux tower observations as input data, not the GSWP3 dataset.


Jinmu Luo
You can see an example of an anomaly forced single point run here.


Notably you'll want to copy user_nl_datm and user_nl_datm_streams files and adjust the start and end years in the later you want to run with. You also may have to make some xml changes to get datm start and end years correctly. Then the model should cycle over the 2000-2014 datm data but then add anomaly forcing on top of the GSWP3 forcing.

It's also likely checking that ndep, CO2, etc to make sure they're also getting the right time series of input data for other fields. Finally, note this example also uses observed meterology from flux tower observations as input data, not the GSWP3 dataset.
Hi Will,

Thanks so much for your guidance. I have one more error in model building, do you have any suggestions about this?



Create namelist for component clm

Calling /glade/u/home/jinmuluo/ctsm-fanv3-merges/cime_config/buildnml

ERROR: Command /glade/u/home/jinmuluo/ctsm-fanv3-merges/bld/build-namelist failed rc=255


err=ERROR : CLM build-namelist::CLMBuildNamelist::add_default() : No default value found for fsurdat.

Are defaults provided for this resolution and land mask?

jinmuluo@cheyenne2:~/LNDATM-IN> cd $WORK


Staff member
In your first post you mentioned this command:
./subset_data point --lat 42.06620 --lon 273.65425 --site mesocom --create-surface --create-datm --datm-syr 2000 --datm-eyr 2022 --create-user-mods --outdir ${SUBDATA}

This means that you created a new surface dataset (fsurdat file). In the case that you are trying to run, the model does not know about this fsurdat file unless you mention it in this case's user_nl_clm by adding the line:
fsurdat = 'the surface dataset that you created with the above ./subset_data command"


Will Wieder
One more suggestion, when you create the case you're trying to build you should also point to the usermod_dir that was created with ./subset_data. I think this may create a user_nl_clm file that points to the correct surface dataset (along with other xml changes).


Jinmu Luo
You can see an example of an anomaly forced single point run here.


Notably you'll want to copy user_nl_datm and user_nl_datm_streams files and adjust the start and end years in the later you want to run with. You also may have to make some xml changes to get datm start and end years correctly. Then the model should cycle over the 2000-2014 datm data but then add anomaly forcing on top of the GSWP3 forcing.

It's also likely checking that ndep, CO2, etc to make sure they're also getting the right time series of input data for other fields. Finally, note this example also uses observed meterology from flux tower observations as input data, not the GSWP3 dataset.
Hi Will,

Thank you for your suggestions. Could you please tell me where you made the modifications to tell the case use flux tower observations? I didn't see these settings in user_nl_datm_streams in your case example.

Thank you!


Will Wieder
That was setup in with user_mods, that have unfortunately been erased from scratch

cat /glade/work/wwieder/ctsm/hillslope_updates/cime/scripts/US-NR1_hh_test2_sp_anom/

You can maybe figure it out from the examples Kayta has here

Let me know if this is a helpful enough example.
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