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snow and permafrost structure of CLM5

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I have a question about the snow structure and permafrost structure that the developers of CLM5 implemented that I couldn't find in the guideline and documentation:
Is CLM5 considering the Alpine snow structure for the model or is it considering the structure of every snow and every permafrost region in the world, or maybe a general structure?

Because some land surface models that are developed in Europe are using the Alpine structure of the snow/permafrost.
I understand that the CLM5 is designed to capture the overall behavior and dynamics of snowpacks across different regions and I can infer that it might be a general structure but I need to make sure.
Who should I ask?


Staff member
If you didn't find an explicit answer to your question in the CLM Technical Description, then most likely this means that the model tries to capture a generic structure of snow. If you wanted to dig deeper, you could look for and read the references listed in the corresponding section of the CLM Technical Description.
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