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the out-of-box model shows no equilibrium after running SpinupStability.ncl

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I used the out-of-box model as below to get 26-year monthly simulations (1979-2004), then I ran SpinupStability.ncl to see whether it's already spun up. But my figure shows no equilibrium. I only did these modifications in SpinupStability.ncl: subper = 1, filepath, and filename.
./create_newcase --case ../../../cases/control_FHISTSP_f09 --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset HIST_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV
(0) =======================================================================
(0) =======================================================================
(0) FATAL: FSH is NOT in equilibrium
(0) FATAL: EFLX_LH_TOT is NOT in equilibrium
(0) FATAL: GPP is NOT in equilibrium
(0) WARNING: TWS is NOT in equilibrium or is missing
(0) H2OSOI is in equilibrium. Eq. Yr. = 1979
(0) TSOI is in equilibrium. Eq. Yr. = 2003
(0) FATAL: Not enough of the land surface is in equilibrium ( 87.50% > 3.00%)
(0) FATAL: Your simulation is not in equilibrium, 8 hours have been deducted from your PTO bank, try again
(0) =======================================================================


I have another question. If the out-of-box model is already spun up, then I use ./create_clone to create my case. In my case, I only modify MONTHLY_LAI to see the effects of lai on variables like air temperature, latent heat flux, and albedo. I am not sure whether the results make sense because I do not do spinup my case. This is a small test because I want to have a quick look at the effects of leaf area index on simulations.


Staff member
I may have misunderstood, but the above suggests to me that the model worked correctly.

Regarding model spin-up:
You need to address your concerns in the context of the science questions that you're investigating. For example, does your suite of simulations serve the purposes that you intended, or should you perform more simulations or different simulations or should you redesign your experiment(s)? Generally we do not answer questions about experimental design, though you may find some such threads in the Forums and others in the community may offer you feedback. You're probably already familiar with relevant information in the user's guide, and you will certainly learn about spin-up and experimental design by reading the scientific literature and seeing what other scientists did with the model.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Regarding the spinup script, the spinup plot indicates that maybe you are not spinning up by looping over a number of datm forcing years. The script requires a run consisting of at least three cycles of atmospheric data. For example, for a "present-day" spinup, you could loop over a number of years repeatedly (e.g., 1991-2010). The script then evaluates the variables at 1991 forcing for each loop to determine how much those variables change in each loop. Typically, for a spinup, you would set RUN_STARTDATE to 0001-01-01 because since the model is looping over datm years, the model years themselves don't have real meaning.


Regarding the spinup script, the spinup plot indicates that maybe you are not spinning up by looping over a number of datm forcing years. The script requires a run consisting of at least three cycles of atmospheric data. For example, for a "present-day" spinup, you could loop over a number of years repeatedly (e.g., 1991-2010). The script then evaluates the variables at 1991 forcing for each loop to determine how much those variables change in each loop. Typically, for a spinup, you would set RUN_STARTDATE to 0001-01-01 because since the model is looping over datm years, the model years themselves don't have real meaning.
Hi @oleson ,

Many thanks for your help!
Should I set my running like the below? But it seems to get similar figures as shown in #1 that I posted at the very beginning.
./create_newcase --case ../../../cases/control_FHISTSP_f09 --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset HIST_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=0001-01-01
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=8 #because "Model Throughput: 8.80 simulated_years/day"
./xmlchange RESUBMIT=3
./xmlchange --subgroup JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=24:00:00

I am very confused about how to set "loop over a number of years repeatedly (e.g., 1991-2010)" and "three cycles". It seems not to set RESUBMIT=3. And I also did not find which parameters should be used to indicate specific loop years.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Sorry, I didn't notice you were running with an active atmosphere. The stability script won't really work on that configuration because each atmospheric year is different. Sorry for the confusion.


Sorry, I didn't notice you were running with an active atmosphere. The stability script won't really work on that configuration because each atmospheric year is different. Sorry for the confusion.
Hi @oleson ,
How can I see whether my model is already spun up? Because I want to modify MONTHLY_LAI, I think that I need to do some spinup.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
There are going to be trends in the various variables because you are running a FHIST case and the forcing (e.g., CO2) varies by year, so it's going to be difficult to determine if the model is spunup with your LAI changes. You might consider running an F2000 or F2000climo case for a number of years and then plotting the various variables and evaluate the trends. And then use the initial files from that to initialize your FHIST run.


There are going to be trends in the various variables because you are running a FHIST case and the forcing (e.g., CO2) varies by year, so it's going to be difficult to determine if the model is spunup with your LAI changes. You might consider running an F2000 or F2000climo case for a number of years and then plotting the various variables and evaluate the trends. And then use the initial files from that to initialize your FHIST run.

Hi @oleson ,

Should I set my model like the below:
./create_newcase --case ../../../cases/control_F2010SP_f09 --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset 2010_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=0001-01-01
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=8 #because "Model Throughput: 8.80 simulated_years/day"
./xmlchange RESUBMIT=4
./xmlchange --subgroup JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=24:00:00
./xmlchange SSTICE_YEAR_START=2010
./xmlchange SSTICE_YEAR_END=2014

Does the above means:
loop years are 2010-2014
8+4*8=40 years
so I have 8 cycles.


In addition, in my previous run, I set resubmit=3, but I only got the first 8 years not 8+3*8=32years. I got errors "srun: error: Unable to create step for job 840701: More processors requested than permitted" (cesm.log.840701.240311-080018 only has this sentence). I have no idea why I had the errors and how can I get additional 24 years rather than only 8 years.

Overall Metrics:
Model Cost: 1441.13 pe-hrs/simulated_year
Model Throughput: 8.53 simulated_years/day
Results in group run_begin_stop_restart
Results in group
Results in group run_begin_stop_restart


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I don't have expertise in setting up SST data, you might post in the CAM forum.
Your second question seems like a systems problem and you might ask your system administrators.


There are going to be trends in the various variables because you are running a FHIST case and the forcing (e.g., CO2) varies by year, so it's going to be difficult to determine if the model is spunup with your LAI changes. You might consider running an F2000 or F2000climo case for a number of years and then plotting the various variables and evaluate the trends. And then use the initial files from that to initialize your FHIST run.
Hi @oleson ,

I used F2000climo to do spinup. But I am not sure what the loop years are (i.e., which parameters I should see, such as DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START and DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END denote the loop years in I-compset). So I have no idea how to set subper value in SpinupStability_SP_v9.ncl.

In addition, I also used I2010Clm50Sp to test spinup after modifying MONTHLY_LAI in the surfacedata file. All variables spent 1 or 21 years to reach equilibrium except land area in TWS (111 years). I wonder whether land area in TWS needs to reach equilibrium because I do a global research. Or 21-year running is enough?


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
As I mentioned above, the stability script won't work on an F-case. And the variables DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START, etc. aren't relevant because they are for the "DATM", not the active atmospheric model (CAM).
TWS is important because it includes soil water which influences photosynthesis, transpiration, etc. The equilibrium threshold set in the stability script is fairly strict however.
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