I was wondering if somebody could help me to understand the reason of some outputs I got using CAM6 in CESM2.2.2 (running in Derecho).
I asked CAM6 to write frequencies for each history files series each 30 minutes.
FCnudge compset and MERRA-2 reanalysis are used for these tests.
In the namelist (besides other definitions) for the user_nl_cam these are the settings:
When I look a the history files T and Q are available each 30 minutes, while AODVISdn are only represented each hour, missing each 30 intermediate tilmestep.
Any comment and/or suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I was wondering if somebody could help me to understand the reason of some outputs I got using CAM6 in CESM2.2.2 (running in Derecho).
I asked CAM6 to write frequencies for each history files series each 30 minutes.
FCnudge compset and MERRA-2 reanalysis are used for these tests.
In the namelist (besides other definitions) for the user_nl_cam these are the settings:
avgflag_pertape = 'I'
nhtfrq = 1 # --- hourly output
mfilt = 48
fincl1 = 'AODVISdn', 'T', 'Q'
model_times_per_day = 48
nudge_times_per_day = 8
When I look a the history files T and Q are available each 30 minutes, while AODVISdn are only represented each hour, missing each 30 intermediate tilmestep.
Any comment and/or suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance