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Variable FC_AUTO_R8 is set ambiguously


Neil Tandon
I am attempting to run create_test, and I am getting the error below. Any idea how to resolve?

Starting CREATE_NEWCASE for test SMS_Lm13.f10_f10_musgs.I1850Clm50SpG.cedar_intel with 1 procs
Finished SETUP for test SMS_D_Ln9.f09_g17.BWSSP585.cedar_intel.allactive-defaultio_min in 8.256713 seconds (FAIL). [COMPLETED 5 of 70]
Case dir: /scratch/ntandon/cesm2_1_3/SMS_D_Ln9.f09_g17.BWSSP585.cedar_intel.allactive-defaultio_min.20201124_160745_3lt3a9
Errors were:
ERROR: Variable FC_AUTO_R8 is set ambiguously in config_build.xml. Check the file for these conflicting settings:
1: {'COMPILER': 'intel'}
2: {'COMPILER': 'intel'}


Neil Tandon
I got this error to go away by setting unit_testing="false" in the mpirun portion of config_machine.xml. But I don't know if that is a bad thing to do.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I suspect that you copied a part of config_compilers.xml in a way that causes that option to be included twice.


Neil Tandon
I retract my previous post. unit_testing="false" did not fix the problem. But I suspected that something about the modules I was loading was setting compiler flags automatically, and the intel compiler portion of config_compilers.xml was unnecessary on my machine. So I tried removing it and the error has not come up again.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hopefully your module load is not doing that (you can confirm by using module show to see what it's doing).
If you are adding files to the .cime directory to do this port, note that these files are appended to the default files in cime.


Neil Tandon
Ah, so that is probably the explanation. I still had the intel compiler block in .cime/config_compilers.xml so it was getting appended to default xml files that already had that block. By removing the intel compiler block from .cime/config_compilers.xml the problem is resolved.