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volcano data can not be loaded

Hi, every one    I ran a case using cesm1_0_3 with -res T31_g37 -compset B1850. I want to do a only time-varying volcano experiment. So I modified the Buildconf/cam.buildnml.csh script, and added a piece of code in it as follows:&prescribed_volcaero_nl
prescribed_volcaero_datapath = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/volc'
prescribed_volcaero_file = ''
   After running, I found the history files are not forced by volcano data. My contents of atm_in file would be posted at the end.PS: Yes, I did the hybird run, set the RUN_STARTDATE "501-01-01" Any suggests must be appreciated. thanks in advancedxiao  atm_in:&aerodep_flx_nl
aerodep_flx_cycle_yr = 1850
aerodep_flx_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero'
aerodep_flx_file = ''
aerodep_flx_type = 'CYCLICAL'
absems_data = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/rad/'
bnd_topo = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/topo/'
cam_branch_file = ' '
dtime = 1800
fincl1 = 'U'
mfilt = 1,365,30,120,240
ncdata = ''
nhtfrq = 0,-24,-24,-6,-3
ch4vmr = 791.6e-9
co2vmr = 284.7e-6
f11vmr = 12.48e-12
f12vmr = 0.0
n2ovmr = 275.68e-9
do_circulation_diags = .false.
cldfrc_dp1 = 0.14D0
cldfrc_dp2 = 500.0D0
cldfrc_freeze_dry = .true.
cldfrc_ice = .false.
cldfrc_premit = 75000.0D0
cldfrc_rhminh = 0.800D0
cldfrc_rhminl = 0.845D0
cldfrc_sh1 = 0.07D0
cldfrc_sh2 = 500.0D0
cldsed_ice_stokes_fac = 1.0D0
cldwat_conke = 10.0e-6
cldwat_icritc = 1.0e-6
cldwat_icritw = 4.0e-4
cldwat_r3lcrit = 1.0e-6
cldwat_conke = 10.0e-6
cldwat_icritc = 1.0e-6
cldwat_icritw = 4.0e-4
cldwat_r3lcrit = 1.0e-6
eul_nsplit = 1
fcrit2 = 1.0
hkconv_c0 = 1.0e-4
hkconv_cmftau = 1800.0D0
cam_chempkg = 'none'
cam_physpkg = 'cam4'
conv_water_in_rad = 0
deep_scheme = 'ZM'
do_iss = .false.
do_tms = .true.
eddy_scheme = 'HB'
history_microphysics = .false.
microp_scheme = 'RK'
shallow_scheme = 'Hack'
srf_flux_avg = 0
tms_orocnst = 1.0D0
tms_z0fac = 0.100D0
prescribed_aero_cycle_yr = 1850
prescribed_aero_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero'
prescribed_aero_file = ''
prescribed_aero_specifier = 'sulf:SO4', 'bcar1:CB1', 'bcar2:CB2', 'ocar1:OC1', 'ocar2:OC2', 'sslt1:SSLT01', 'sslt2:SSLT02',
'sslt3:SSLT03', 'sslt4:SSLT04', 'dust1:DST01', 'dust2:DST02', 'dust3:DST03', 'dust4:DST04'
prescribed_aero_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_ozone_cycle_yr = 1850
prescribed_ozone_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/ozone'
prescribed_ozone_file = ''
prescribed_ozone_name = 'O3'
prescribed_ozone_type = 'CYCLICAL'/
prescribed_volcaero_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/volc'
prescribed_volcaero_file = ''
rad_climate = 'P_Q:H2O', 'D_O2:O2', 'D_CO2:CO2', 'D_ozone:O3', 'D_N2O:N2O', 'D_CH4:CH4', 'D_CFC11:CFC11',
'D_CFC12:CFC12', 'D_sulf:/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
solar_const = 1360.89
solar_htng_spctrl_scl = .false.
tropopause_climo_file = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ub/'
zmconv_c0_lnd = 0.0020D0
zmconv_c0_ocn = 0.0020D0
zmconv_ke = 3.0E-6


CSEG and Liaisons
The volcano aerosols will not be felt by the radiation unless there is an entry for them in the rad_climate variable.  This would be added automatically by CAM's build-namelist utility if you used that to add the prescribed_volcaero_* variables.  If you edit the CAM namelist by hand, then you must also add the necessary modification to the rad_climate variable.  In this instance the string that should be appended to the list is


CSEG and Liaisons
Instead of editing the cam.buildnml.csh script you should put the same information into the $CASEROOT/user_nl_cam file as described in the user guide.  The namelist variables set in this file are used as input to cam's build-namelist utility.  It is the output from the build-namelist utility that is found in the cam.buildnml.csh script.see 
hi eaton    I want to add  prescribed volcano aerosols the same as a specifer volcanic episode, which give a daily forcing to the CESM1.0.4 model for last four months. Then study ocean response to this volcanic episode.I have used -res f19_g16 -compset B_1850 -mach generic_linux_intel  -max_tasks_per_node 12 to do this work. But i don't konw how to add the daily volcanic forcing to the model.Could  you give me some advices, thank you very much. 


CSEG and Liaisons
First you should make sure you can run an existing compset which incorporates the volcanic forcings.  Next, copy the dataset which contains the forcings and use it as a template to create the forcing scenario you choose.  The only difficulty is learning how to manipulate netcdf datasets.  We don't provide tools for this, but there are many freely available general pupose tools for manipulating netcdf data, for example, the NCO operators.
thank you  for your advice.First  i don't konw whether B_1850 compset can do daily changed volcanic with flow namelist,&prescribed_volcaero_nl prescribed_volcaero_datapath           = '/NSFCGZ/nsfc2015_229/wlf/inputdata/atm/cam/volc' prescribed_volcaero_file               = ''/'D_VOLC_MMR:$/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'Next the  '' data is monthly and years from 501 to 2000. what i want is  only specifier year with daily forcing and last four months.  


CSEG and Liaisons
The B_1850 compset is designed to do a climatological run with 1850 forcings.  Either the forcing datasets contain a single year of data which is cycled year after year, or the dataset contains multiple years of data and a namelist option is available to specify a single year from the dataset to cycle over.  The B_1850 compset doesn't include volcanoe forcings because it doesn't make sense to cycle them year after year. 
Hi Eaton,I noticed that the unit of the volcano forcing is kg/kg like a mixing ratio. Does this mean the areosol emitted by the volcano cannot be advected by the atmosphere? Is there a possibility to add areasol to the atmosphere and let the Brew-Dobson circulation advect it? Many thanks for any suggestion!Best,Wanying


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Eaton,I noticed that the unit of the volcano forcing is kg/kg like a mixing ratio. Does this mean the areosol emitted by the volcano cannot be advected by the atmosphere? Is there a possibility to add areasol to the atmosphere and let the Brew-Dobson circulation advect it? Many thanks for any suggestion!Best,Wanying

Prognostic stratospheric aerosol is a new feature in CESM2(WACCM6).