Hi, every one I ran a case using cesm1_0_3 with -res T31_g37 -compset B1850. I want to do a only time-varying volcano experiment. So I modified the Buildconf/cam.buildnml.csh script, and added a piece of code in it as follows:&prescribed_volcaero_nl
prescribed_volcaero_datapath = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/volc'
prescribed_volcaero_file = 'IVI2LoadingLatHeight501-2000_L18_c20100518.nc'
After running, I found the history files are not forced by volcano data. My contents of atm_in file would be posted at the end.PS: Yes, I did the hybird run, set the RUN_STARTDATE "501-01-01" Any suggests must be appreciated. thanks in advancedxiao atm_in:&aerodep_flx_nl
aerodep_flx_cycle_yr = 1850
aerodep_flx_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero'
aerodep_flx_file = 'aerosoldep_monthly_1850_mean_1.9x2.5_c090421.nc'
aerodep_flx_type = 'CYCLICAL'
absems_data = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/rad/abs_ems_factors_fastvx.c030508.nc'
bnd_topo = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/topo/USGS-gtopo30_48x96_c050520.nc'
cam_branch_file = ' '
dtime = 1800
fincl1 = 'U'
mfilt = 1,365,30,120,240
ncdata = 'xiao845.cam2.i.2404-01-01-00000.nc'
nhtfrq = 0,-24,-24,-6,-3
ch4vmr = 791.6e-9
co2vmr = 284.7e-6
f11vmr = 12.48e-12
f12vmr = 0.0
n2ovmr = 275.68e-9
do_circulation_diags = .false.
cldfrc_dp1 = 0.14D0
cldfrc_dp2 = 500.0D0
cldfrc_freeze_dry = .true.
cldfrc_ice = .false.
cldfrc_premit = 75000.0D0
cldfrc_rhminh = 0.800D0
cldfrc_rhminl = 0.845D0
cldfrc_sh1 = 0.07D0
cldfrc_sh2 = 500.0D0
cldsed_ice_stokes_fac = 1.0D0
cldwat_conke = 10.0e-6
cldwat_icritc = 1.0e-6
cldwat_icritw = 4.0e-4
cldwat_r3lcrit = 1.0e-6
cldwat_conke = 10.0e-6
cldwat_icritc = 1.0e-6
cldwat_icritw = 4.0e-4
cldwat_r3lcrit = 1.0e-6
eul_nsplit = 1
fcrit2 = 1.0
hkconv_c0 = 1.0e-4
hkconv_cmftau = 1800.0D0
cam_chempkg = 'none'
cam_physpkg = 'cam4'
conv_water_in_rad = 0
deep_scheme = 'ZM'
do_iss = .false.
do_tms = .true.
eddy_scheme = 'HB'
history_microphysics = .false.
microp_scheme = 'RK'
shallow_scheme = 'Hack'
srf_flux_avg = 0
tms_orocnst = 1.0D0
tms_z0fac = 0.100D0
prescribed_aero_cycle_yr = 1850
prescribed_aero_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero'
prescribed_aero_file = 'aero_1.9x2.5_L26_1850clim_c091112.nc'
prescribed_aero_specifier = 'sulf:SO4', 'bcar1:CB1', 'bcar2:CB2', 'ocar1:OC1', 'ocar2:OC2', 'sslt1:SSLT01', 'sslt2:SSLT02',
'sslt3:SSLT03', 'sslt4:SSLT04', 'dust1:DST01', 'dust2:DST02', 'dust3:DST03', 'dust4:DST04'
prescribed_aero_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_ozone_cycle_yr = 1850
prescribed_ozone_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/ozone'
prescribed_ozone_file = 'ozone_1.9x2.5_L26_1850clim_c091112.nc'
prescribed_ozone_name = 'O3'
prescribed_ozone_type = 'CYCLICAL'/
prescribed_volcaero_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/volc'
prescribed_volcaero_file = 'IVI2LoadingLatHeight501-2000_L18_c20100518.nc'
rad_climate = 'P_Q:H2O', 'D_O2:O2', 'D_CO2:CO2', 'D_ozone:O3', 'D_N2O:N2O', 'D_CH4:CH4', 'D_CFC11:CFC11',
'D_CFC12:CFC12', 'D_sulf:/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/sulfate_camrt_c080918.nc',
solar_const = 1360.89
solar_htng_spctrl_scl = .false.
tropopause_climo_file = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ub/clim_p_trop.nc'
zmconv_c0_lnd = 0.0020D0
zmconv_c0_ocn = 0.0020D0
zmconv_ke = 3.0E-6
prescribed_volcaero_datapath = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/volc'
prescribed_volcaero_file = 'IVI2LoadingLatHeight501-2000_L18_c20100518.nc'
After running, I found the history files are not forced by volcano data. My contents of atm_in file would be posted at the end.PS: Yes, I did the hybird run, set the RUN_STARTDATE "501-01-01" Any suggests must be appreciated. thanks in advancedxiao atm_in:&aerodep_flx_nl
aerodep_flx_cycle_yr = 1850
aerodep_flx_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero'
aerodep_flx_file = 'aerosoldep_monthly_1850_mean_1.9x2.5_c090421.nc'
aerodep_flx_type = 'CYCLICAL'
absems_data = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/rad/abs_ems_factors_fastvx.c030508.nc'
bnd_topo = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/topo/USGS-gtopo30_48x96_c050520.nc'
cam_branch_file = ' '
dtime = 1800
fincl1 = 'U'
mfilt = 1,365,30,120,240
ncdata = 'xiao845.cam2.i.2404-01-01-00000.nc'
nhtfrq = 0,-24,-24,-6,-3
ch4vmr = 791.6e-9
co2vmr = 284.7e-6
f11vmr = 12.48e-12
f12vmr = 0.0
n2ovmr = 275.68e-9
do_circulation_diags = .false.
cldfrc_dp1 = 0.14D0
cldfrc_dp2 = 500.0D0
cldfrc_freeze_dry = .true.
cldfrc_ice = .false.
cldfrc_premit = 75000.0D0
cldfrc_rhminh = 0.800D0
cldfrc_rhminl = 0.845D0
cldfrc_sh1 = 0.07D0
cldfrc_sh2 = 500.0D0
cldsed_ice_stokes_fac = 1.0D0
cldwat_conke = 10.0e-6
cldwat_icritc = 1.0e-6
cldwat_icritw = 4.0e-4
cldwat_r3lcrit = 1.0e-6
cldwat_conke = 10.0e-6
cldwat_icritc = 1.0e-6
cldwat_icritw = 4.0e-4
cldwat_r3lcrit = 1.0e-6
eul_nsplit = 1
fcrit2 = 1.0
hkconv_c0 = 1.0e-4
hkconv_cmftau = 1800.0D0
cam_chempkg = 'none'
cam_physpkg = 'cam4'
conv_water_in_rad = 0
deep_scheme = 'ZM'
do_iss = .false.
do_tms = .true.
eddy_scheme = 'HB'
history_microphysics = .false.
microp_scheme = 'RK'
shallow_scheme = 'Hack'
srf_flux_avg = 0
tms_orocnst = 1.0D0
tms_z0fac = 0.100D0
prescribed_aero_cycle_yr = 1850
prescribed_aero_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero'
prescribed_aero_file = 'aero_1.9x2.5_L26_1850clim_c091112.nc'
prescribed_aero_specifier = 'sulf:SO4', 'bcar1:CB1', 'bcar2:CB2', 'ocar1:OC1', 'ocar2:OC2', 'sslt1:SSLT01', 'sslt2:SSLT02',
'sslt3:SSLT03', 'sslt4:SSLT04', 'dust1:DST01', 'dust2:DST02', 'dust3:DST03', 'dust4:DST04'
prescribed_aero_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_ozone_cycle_yr = 1850
prescribed_ozone_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/ozone'
prescribed_ozone_file = 'ozone_1.9x2.5_L26_1850clim_c091112.nc'
prescribed_ozone_name = 'O3'
prescribed_ozone_type = 'CYCLICAL'/
prescribed_volcaero_datapath = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/volc'
prescribed_volcaero_file = 'IVI2LoadingLatHeight501-2000_L18_c20100518.nc'
rad_climate = 'P_Q:H2O', 'D_O2:O2', 'D_CO2:CO2', 'D_ozone:O3', 'D_N2O:N2O', 'D_CH4:CH4', 'D_CFC11:CFC11',
'D_CFC12:CFC12', 'D_sulf:/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/sulfate_camrt_c080918.nc',
solar_const = 1360.89
solar_htng_spctrl_scl = .false.
tropopause_climo_file = '/gpfsES/geo/zywang/CESM/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ub/clim_p_trop.nc'
zmconv_c0_lnd = 0.0020D0
zmconv_c0_ocn = 0.0020D0
zmconv_ke = 3.0E-6