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WACCM component


Hi all,
I have a question. Can components containing WACCM be run with CESM-Lab-2.2 Container? Like FW2000climo or FWscHIST



Brian Dobbins
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Apologies for the slow reply -- yes, the container has a full install of CESM, capable of running any supported compset... but limited by your memory (and, for speed, by your processors). So, for example, running a 2-degree FW2000climo will take ~27GB of RAM, and get maybe 1/10th of a SYPD or less on a typical laptop. On a workstation with enough memory and more processors, it'll be faster. (I don't think the FW2000climo @ f45 resolution works out of the box.)

What resolution are you targeting? And what kind of hardware do you have to run it on?