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What are the numbers printed in the atm.log files after nstep, te?


Jenny Boe
New Member

With CESM-2.1.3 for example, what exactly do the 4 values printed in the atm.log file at each time step correspond to (physical quantity and unit)?

If they are identical for 2 runs for the same time step, does it mean that these 2 simulations are exactly the same, or can it be mere coincidence?




Courtney Peverley
Hi Jenny,

Those values are printed by the check_energy module. You can find the code in question here: $CAM/src/physics/cam/check_energy.F90 (around line ~560).

write(iulog,'(1x,a9,1x,i8,4(1x,e25.17))') "nstep, te", nstep, teinp_glob, teout_glob, heat_glob, psurf_glob

The four numbers after the timestep number are:
  1. teinp_glob: global mean energy of input state [J]
  2. teout_glob: global mean energy of output state [J]
  3. heat_glob: global mean heating rate [J s-1]
  4. psurf_glob: global mean surface pressure [Pa]
More recent versions of CAM also include psurf_top (global mean top boundary pressure) [Pa].

As for what you can infer from identical values, I asked a scientist and he said that it's pretty safe to say that two runs are bit for bit when the four numbers are the same (although theoretically there can be differences).
