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What data should be read in as the "flxio" in forcing_sfwf.F90


New Member
Dear All,I'm trying to run a CESM1.1.1 C compset experiment (active POP2 coupled to datm, dlnd, dice, drof). Instead of using the CORE-IAF.v2, I use different datasets streamed from datm and dice, therefore the ocean condition is different from that forced by the CORE-IAF.v2. So I plan to use a different SSS dataset to do the weak and strong surface resotring. When reading forcing_sfwf.F90, I notice there is a variable called "flxio" to be read in along with the "SSS", in the "partially-coupled" case. I'm wondering what kind of flux it is? Does it represent the climatological ice to ocean freshwater flux, or ice to ocean salt flux (virtual), or even brine rejection due to ice formation (nonvirtual)? Furthermore, what is the difference between this "flxio" and the MELT_F, which is received from the coupler? As this flxio will be finally combined to the total salt flux (in set_combined_forcing), it seems the flxio is different from the MELT_F.Thanks in advance if anyone could help with thoes questions.-JZ