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What is land surface temperature in CMIP6 offline CLM5 simulation?


New Member
Dear all,
I had trouble when I tried to compare the MODIS land surface temperature ( LP DAAC - MYD11C3) with land surface temperature in CMIP6 offline CLM5 simulation (LS3MIP, land-hist). Which variable is the land surface temperature that can be compared to MODIS LST? The description of ts and tsland are all :Temperature of the lower boundary of the atmosphere.
Any suggestion will be much appreciated. Thanks!


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I believe ts is derived from CLM output of TSKIN which is the skin or radiative temperature. Not sure why your description says temperature of the lower boundary of the atmosphere.


New Member
Thanks very much for your help!
I believe ts is derived from CLM output of TSKIN which is the skin or radiative temperature. Not sure why your description says temperature of the lower boundary of the atmosphere.


Staff member
Dear all,
I had trouble when I tried to compare the MODIS land surface temperature ( LP DAAC - MYD11C3) with land surface temperature in CMIP6 offline CLM5 simulation (LS3MIP, land-hist). Which variable is the land surface temperature that can be compared to MODIS LST? The description of ts and tsland are all :Temperature of the lower boundary of the atmosphere.
Any suggestion will be much appreciated. Thanks!

Do you have an example file from the "CESM2_land-hist_r1i1p1f1" experiment?