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What is the difference between variable aice and aicen001/002/003/004/005


New Member
I downloaded the aice variable in the Pacific Pacemaker simulations recently.I noticed that there are six variables——aice,aicen001,aicen002,aicen003,aicen004,aicen005. Does anyone know about the difference between these six variables?

Thanks a lot for any information, suggestions, discussions!aice.PNG


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
This is the total ice fraction (aice) versus the subgridscale category sea ice fraction.

aice = aicen001 + aicen002 + aicen003 + aicen004 + aicen005


New Member
This is the total ice fraction (aice) versus the subgridscale category sea ice fraction.

aice = aicen001 + aicen002 + aicen003 + aicen004 + aicen005
Hello, would you like ti ask whether these five contents will have their specific physical meaning? I have seen that there are five categories of thickness mentioned in the manual before. I wonder if the five categories mentioned above are related to the thickness of sea ice. If so, I would also like to know what category of sea ice thickness is listed in 001/002/003/004/005 here respectively.
Thanks a lot for any information!


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The sea ice categories are based on thickness and in CESM are defined as follows:

hin_max(n-1) < Cat n < hin_max(n)
0.000000000000000E+000 < Cat 1 < 0.644507216819426
0.644507216819426 < Cat 2 < 1.39143349757630
1.39143349757630 < Cat 3 < 2.47017938195989
2.47017938195989 < Cat 4 < 4.56728791885049
4.56728791885049 < Cat 5 < 9.33384181586817

where thickness here is in meters. The upper limit of 9m is just artificial. For more information, there is more info in the CICE documentation here and references therein.



New Member
The sea ice categories are based on thickness and in CESM are defined as follows:

hin_max(n-1) < Cat n < hin_max(n)
0.000000000000000E+000 < Cat 1 < 0.644507216819426
0.644507216819426 < Cat 2 < 1.39143349757630
1.39143349757630 < Cat 3 < 2.47017938195989
2.47017938195989 < Cat 4 < 4.56728791885049
4.56728791885049 < Cat 5 < 9.33384181586817

where thickness here is in meters. The upper limit of 9m is just artificial. For more information, there is more info in the CICE documentation here and references therein.

Thank you for your answer and best wishes!


New Member
I would also like to ask about vicen1-5.
The total sea ice volume vice=vice1+vice2+vice3+vice4+vice5, is this equation valid?
CICE divides sea ice into five categories according to thickness.
Then take vice1 as an example, vice1=aice1*hi or vice1=aice1*cat(1)?
There may be some problems with the presentation. I'm so sorry.
My main question is still to know how the sea ice volume vicen001/002/003/004/005 is calculated in the model And why isn't there a total sea ice volume vice, as is the case with aice?
Looking forward to your reply! Good luck to you!


New Member
I'm sorry to add one more question.
There is only the total sea ice area(aice) in the restart file.
May I ask how the model distinguishes the sea ice area corresponding to the five thickness categories after the restart file enters the model(acien001/002/003/004/005)?